Chapter 8

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Luke's POV

I lay beside Calum, arm wrapped around his waist, as my tears trickled down my face.

I had no way of knowing if he loved me back, and to be honest I doubt he even did. But at the back of my mind I had this nagging feeling reminding me of the way his heart machine had picked up as I had confessed my feelings for him.

'I won't ever leave you Calum, we'll cope with this together.'

I sighed, kissing his forehead and closing my eyes, trying hard to forget the circumstances.

The door creaked open and two pairs of footsteps padded over to the bed.

'Luke?' It was Ashton. 'We brought you a sandwich, you really should eat something.' I shook my head, my stomach feeling hollow like I couldn't eat a thing.

'Not hungry.' I mumbled, turning back to Calum.

'Please Luke, you haven't eaten in days.' The older boy continued to plead with me, his eyes showing sadness.

'No Ashton, leave me alone.' I snapped at him, causing his eyes to brim at the edges with tears.

'Okay.' He whispered sadly, turning and leaving the room with Michael in tow.

How could I have been so harsh? He was only trying to help. I sobbed and buried my head in Calum's shoulder.

This had been one of the worst weeks of my life and it wasn't even over yet.



Sorry it's short but I hadn't updated in a couple of days and felt like I should write something for those people who are actually reading aha :)

I hope you like it even tho it's a filler chapter :) xxx

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