10) Ice Cream And Chill

Start from the beginning

We eventually finished shopping and made our way back to the car. I placed Jungkook in his seat and buckled him in. Taehyung helped me load the shopping in the boot of the car and climbed in his seat when we finished. I buckled Taehyung in and climbed into the drivers seat. I turned on the engine and headed home.

After a 10 minute drive I finally pulled up in the driveway. Taehyung smiled brightly as he undid his buckle and opened the sliding car door. He ran up the small stairs to the front door but stopped when he heard Jungkook scream. Taehyung ran back to see what was wrong, which Jungkook pointed to his seat buckle. Taehyung undid is buckle and carried him on his back to the front door. Taehyung knocked on the door a few times before his Grandma opened the door.

"Oh! you're home!" she smiled and opened the door wider so the two can walk inside. Se turned her attention to me, whom was carrying at least 5 grocery bags on both sides on my arms. "Oh Jin honey let me help you with those!" I only shook my head as a response.

"can you please grab the rest of the bags please?" I asked politely which she smiled and nodded moving out of my way and grabbing the rest of the bags in the back of the car. I walked inside my NOW clean house with a smile plastered on my face. I placed the bags on the kitchen counter after ignoring Namjoon's protests to help me. 

I started to unpack which leaded to Namjoon picking me up bridal style. 

"ah! Namjoon~ah! put me down!" I tried to free from his grip but being the monster (hehe... see what I did there?  ok sorry!) despite my yelling and attempts to wiggle my way out of his grip, I found myself sitting on the couch.

"you're gonna sit there and let me do the rest" Namjoon points a finger at me as if I were a child.


"no buts! I am doing it! and you can't stop me! kids hold Dad down!" I stood up to protest but when I did I was attacked by the tsunami of my kids and fell back down. Namjoon smiled proudly and walked into the kitchen to put away everything. I sighed and looked to see Yoongi and Hoseok holding my sides, whilst Taehyung and Jimin were on my lap. Jungkook yelled in frustration as he tried to climb out of the pen he is in, which Taehyung escaped... again. Yoongi stood up and grabbed Jungkook. He picked him up and walked back to the couch. Yoongi placed Jungkook on my torso which resulted in my neck being strangled by a hug. Yoongi returned back to his previous spot on my side and smiled. 

It was a small smile, but was still rare coming from Yoongi. Namjoon soon returned with the ice cream and everyone cheered. He handed everyone one ice cream each but handed me two (mine and Jungkook's). I'm always the one feeding Jungkook because he doesn't like anyone else feeding him, besides Taehyung but even then he still doesn't at times. I undid the wrapping on the ice cream and held it out for Namjoon to hold for a second. I positioned Jungkook on my lap facing the TV so it would be a less uncomfortable position. 

I undid my own ice cream and asked for Jungkook's back. Namjoon handed it back and sat down in the place Hoseok once was. Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok had all retreated to the floor or on the other couch. Yoongi had stayed in the same spot though. He'll never admit it but he is such a softy for Jin. He's like Mommy's boy but, Daddy's boy? if you get what I mean. Namjoon wrapped an arm around my shoulder and watched as I held Jungkook's ice cream as he either licked it or sucked on it. I smiled down at him as I watched him in awe. He was my baby, they were my babies and I love them so much, even if we aren't blood related. 

I let out a soft sigh as I rested my head on Namjoon's shoulder, who placed his head onto my head. I smiled as all 8 of us sat on either the floor or a couch and watched movies until all the kids had fallen asleep.

I carried Jungkook and Jimin (the smallest) and Namjoon carried Hoseok and Yoongi (the biggest) and Mrs, Kim carried Taehyung (the... weirdest? he's kinda an alien...). Me and Mrs, Kim walked to the bedroom which the three of them shared, whilst Namjoon went to the others room. I walked in and placed Jungkook gently in his little cot that I had bought a few days ago because he kept escaping and placed his cute little bunny covers over his small frame. I then walked to the two single beds near the window and placed Taehyung in his bed and covering him in his space decorated covers. I then walked over to Mrs, Kim who still held a sleeping Jimin and gestured to take him. She handed Jimin gently over to me, I walked over to Jimin's bed and placed him gently into his bed as well, covering him with his mochi decorated covers. 

I gently kissed Jimin's forehead, which in result caused him to smile in his sleep. I quietly walked over to Taehyung and noticed he had already sprawled himself across his bed, legs and arms everywhere, covers on the floor. I sighed and picked up his covers and placed them back on top of Taehyung's body which in result he grabbed a handful of it and hugged it close to his body. I smiled at his little habit of hugging things when he is asleep and kissed his forehead gently. I smiled as I walked over to the sleeping... fighting Jungkook? He was talking about something in his sleep which I couldn't understand and ad his arms in the air. I smiled as I gently placed them back down, seeing his cute confused facial expression during his deep slumber. I leaned down and gently placed a soft kiss on his exposed forehead.

I turn to walk outside and gesture the smiling Mrs, Kim. We talked for a little while downstairs before Namjoon walked down the stairs and into the living room. 

"Mom your room is ready now so if you want to rest up you can, I bet you've had a long day" Namjoon smiled as he heard his mother yawn.

"yeah, I'm gonna call it a night, thank you so much Joonie, goodnight Namjoon and goodnight Jin hope we can talk more tomorrow!" She smiled as he waved and made her way upstairs. Namjoon smiled as he sat down next to me and kissed my cheek lovingly.

"she's changed hasn't she?" Namjoon asked as he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"yeah, I like this change she's an amazing woman, I wish I could be as good of a parent as her" I smiled sadly.

"you're gonna be even better" Namjoon smiled and kissed my temple. I yawned and rested my head on Namjoon's shoulder once more. Namjoon smiled as e rested his head on mine once again. We spent a while staying like that, in that position, watching TV before my eyes began to fail me. I gave in to the drowsiness and closed my eyes, only to open them again by the feeling of being picked up.

"go back to sleep" Namjoon whispered in a quiet, soft tone which I smile at. I gently kissed his cheek before shutting my eyes once again and being invited by the darkness as I fell into a deep dreamless sleep. 

~Namjoon's POV~

"always so cute" I whisper as I walked up the stairs with Jin in my arms. I walked quietly passed Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook's room, quietly peeping inside the open door and seeing them all deeply asleep. I smile an made my way towards Yoongi and Hoseok's room. I peeped inside their room and saw Hoseok half on half off the bed and Yoongi cuddling his Kumamon plushy. 

I smiled once again at my children. They are just so amazing, they are my entire world besides Seokjin. I walked quietly passed the spare room which my Mother was sleeping inside in. I smiled as I opened the door slightly to see my Mother peacefully asleep inside the room. I then continue my way towards my Husband's and my own room. I opened the door quietly to not awaken the angel in my arms. once the door was open enough I walked inside and placed Jin in the bed.

I gently took off his shoes that he was still wearing from when he went grocery shopping. I placed them gently on the ground and took off his shirt, admiring his soft silky skin before putting on his pyjama top. I left his pants alone though because if I see his lower half I'll do something so it's best if I left it. I changed myself before carefully sliding into the covers and wrap my arms around my beautiful Husband. Jin opens his eyes slowly and smiles. He wraps his arms around my torso and nuzzles himself on my chest. I smiled and watched as he fell back into a deep slumber. After a few minutes I decided it would be best if I got some sleep as well. 

I gently shut my eyes and fell asleep to the warmth and peacefulness of the love of my life in my arms. Soon I fell into a deep sleep dreaming of whats to come in the future, like when the boys are teens... oh geez...

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