Chapter 27

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Ok, so he likes making some people suffer.
"Hello, Boss," everyone greets as he steps out of the room. I scurry and hide behind him. He takes my arm and wraps it around his.
"Boss, the taxes in Seoul are low. People aren't paying us anymore," a man comes behind us.
"Then make them!" Oh yeah, I forgot. Jimin is a completely different man in the outside world.
"You have a meeting with Mr. Yoongi, at 8:30," we both look at the clock. 7:45.
"Breakfast time!" He claps, and we are seated at the giant dining table, ends apart from each other. I stuff donuts in my mouth and then drink some orange juice. I can't see what Jimin is eating, but I hope it's good.
"Let's go!" He shouts to me.

We go outside and he opens a car door for me. After a while, We board a plane.
"Is this your first time on a plane?" He asks me.
"Yes..." I nervously twiddle my thumbs.
"Welcome to air Jimin," he holds my hand and then guides me to a dressing room?
"Get changed, you're my wife, remember?" I am met with three women who have picked out a formal red dress that reaches the floor. I have matching red heels and then another does my hair. A different lady comes into the room and does my makeup.
"You're done!" I am revealed in the mirror to have expensive clothes and makeup on, and I look great!

I stand up and go to Jimin.
"Wow," he claps and stands up.
"We did our best, thank you for this opportunity boss!" The ladies bow.
"Mrs. Park is pretty," A flight attendant whispers, but I pick up on what she said.
"Let's sit down," Jimin guides me to a private area, and it is definitely first class. The whole plane is first class!
"So, you'll be meeting Yoongi today," Jimin starts off. I nod and sip some tea.
"Yep, that's the plan,"
"But there is an extra detail I forgot to tell you," I suddenly look up at him. What could it be? "We might fly out to meet my parents. They both want to publicize our marriage and make it a huge wedding. My mom even wants to broadcast it globally. It's gonna be a big event," I slowly put my cup down, and my hands are shaking.
"And this is just a publicity stunt?" I ask.
"Yes and no. Yes, because it'll make me look good, and no because I want..."
Jimin pauses to take a sip from his cup.
"What?" I ask.
"I want a real marriage," he tells me.
"It doesn't have to be now of course, but someday," I sigh in relief. I am way too young to be thinking about marriage.
"Someday," I echo him.
"Prepare for landing. Thank you for letting me fly you, Boss," the pilot says throw the speaker.
"Finally," Jimin stands up and adjusts his suit.

"Hello old friend!" A handsome young man with light hair greets us as we exit the plane.
"Hyung!" Jimin hugs him and then they speak in whispers. I cough loudly, trying to regain attention.
"And this must be the lovely lady you are always talking about?" He shakes my hand. I take a moment to admire how handsome he is. Literally why do all of Jimin's friends look like gods? I'm convinced at this point that Jimin himself is a god. But where did the beauty come from? It's not human.
"Awww, thank you. I'm Y/n," I introduce myself.
"I'm Yoongi," he introduces himself.
"Let's go to my house,"

We ride in a limo and the whole time, Yoongi and Jimin are catching up.
"So y/n, how did you manage to make this one fall for you?" I giggle.
"I was just...myself," Jimin and I share a secret look as Yoongi doesn't know about me being a captive.
"Oh, wow. I didn't think this one was interested but you decided to go for it when I left, huh Jimin?" Yoongi teases him, and I go along with it. Poor Jimin is denying everything.
"You know why I called you here?" He asks. Jimin shakes his head.
"It because I heard the news about you getting married and I wanted to see for myself. So far, you have shown no signs of being a real couple,"
Only if he knew the things we did.

"Oh Hyung, if only you know how wrong you are. We are definetly married, and we are hosting a public wedding. It will be an extravagant display of our love and partnership in this Union!!!" I smile at his speech.
"Very well. I will support you all the way. Best of luck to both of you,"
"Thank you," we shake his hands.
"Now, let's talk business,"

After hanging with Yoongi for about an hour and half, we hop back on the plane.
"You know, he actually sent out a troop of guards into the countryside once in Texas," I tell Jimin.
"What? Do you know why?" He asks.
"He was....he wanted to sell kids. I almost got taken but I got out of it. Is he a good guy, Jimin?" I ask pleadingly.
"He very much so is. There was probably a reason behind it..." Jimin looks away from me.
"You're not hiding anything from me, are you?" I ask.
"Me? Of course not..." He trails off. I slam my hand on the table.
"Tell me the truth!" I demand, leaving him hunched on his seat in surprise.
"Fine...I'll tell you," he takes a deep breath.
"About 4 years ago, there was a war. It was taking place in between us and an organization known as EXO. We both wanted power so we came to an agreement. If Yoongi gave American children to EXO, they would let our soldiers go. We came to an agreement as 7 nations. So everything going on was underhanded. Some jealous fools decided to take the order and shape into something they wanted-they seperated children from their families. The men went hungry with power and wanted total control. We agreed the children get a choice. The position was voluntary. Keep in mind-we ourselves were children back then. I had barely turned 18, and I was seeing terrible things from long before," I nod, in understanding.
"If you had gotten kidnapped before and sold off to EXO....who knows where you would've ended up?" I shudder when he says that.
"I wonder too, sometimes. But les not think about that now. We are going to your parents, correct?" I change the subject.
"Yup," He nods.
"What do I need to know?" I ask.

"My mom and dad have....relationship problems,"

The Mafia Boss's Captive (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now