Chapter 1

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Hey! A/N here, just wanted to warn you there is violence and swearing in here, I might bleep some out but I might forget so just a heads up! Also, IDK if there will be any smut here but there might be so just letting you know that the rating is teen even though most of you are probably not teens anyways and it might change to mature later but why don't you just jump right into it for now and just let your mind be blown?

It's just really good plot and none of the events are real, characters are based off of real people and ENJOY THE FIC!!! Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow/vote/comment!

The tribes have been ruling for a decade. In 2000, their parents took over. The world was chaotic. People were fighting, until it reached America. We could no longer hold peace as we submitted to them. America was still allowed to hold on to its government; however, the underground world was also allowed to run amuck, doing whatever they wanted to the citizens of America. They punished whoever deserved it, and aided the military. Every other country in the world was sectioned off and divided by the seven leaders. They had complete control. But that was 18 years ago.
"Y/n!!!!" I ignore the voice and continue packing. "Y/n!" My mother calls once again.
"What? How long do you expect us to run? We haven't stayed at one place for a full year. Our "homes" keep getting temporary," my mom gives me a tight hug. "I know this is hard for you. But we need to hide from the mafia so that they don't catch us," she tries to comfort me.
"Mom, there are seven Mafia Bosses on our heels. I'm pretty sure we're gonna be caught soon," she clicked her tongue.

"Nope, we're moving to Seoul," she tells me.
"What?! You know that is practically a hub for the Mafia. And the Seven Tribe leaders' true home!" I panic. "We could die there! I don't wanna die!!" My mom does what she always does when I'm scared. She closes her eyes and sings,
"Don't you worry, don't you worry child....heaven's got a plan for you," I close my eyes as my mom hugs me. This feels like a good last goodbye.
"Besides, we have to take care of your siblings. Y/brother's/n and Y/sister's/name can't take care of themselves. Please think of them too," I roll my eyes.
"I am thinking of them. And what did Grandma and Grandpa do? They squandered the money. They didn't think of us. Why do we have to pay off their debt?" I ask.
"It was in their will sweetie. They passed away too early before they could pay it all off," she replies.
"What? So they want us to carry out the will?" My mom nods. We quickly pack all my things and we head out to the car.
"Ready?" My dad asks.
"As I'll ever be," I climb into the back seat.

After a long flight and snacks, I finally ask my mom,
"Is this why you made me watch all those kdramas when I was 5?" I ask her.
" see, your aunt Marley lives in Seoul. We are going to go see her," I raise my eyebrows.
"Aunt Marley? I know all of my aunts and none of them are named "Marley." Mom, what's going on?" I ask her in a serious tone.
"She is my sister. We got in an argument and I haven't seen her since I first married your father. I heard from sources that she is in Seoul. We are going to see her. Gosh, I don't think she knows that any of you even exist!" My mother's face crinkles into a smile.
"Aw, a happy family reunion," I fake a smile and then grab my bag.
We take a cab to a creepy neighborhood and get out of the car. My mom let's my younger siblings knock on the door.
"I told you I don't want your darn magazine- y/mom/n? And y/dad/n? What are you doing here? Come in, the streets are filled with Mafia army troops," she ushers all of us into the tiny house.
"I haven't seen you since your wedding. Who is this? And this handsome young fellow," she punches my brother's cheeks. I already don't like her.
"This is y/s/n, y/bro/n, and...y/n," My mom finally speaks, after her vow of silence. Aunt Marley takes my arms and makes me sit next to her.
"You look just like him..." She runs her fingers through my hair, making me incredibly uncomfortable.
"Who?" I ask awkwardly.
"My dad. Your Grandpa," she tells me.
I slap her hand away.
"I don't know anything about my mom's parents. Can you tell me anything about them?" I ask.
"Unfortunately, I have no idea where they are. I don't even know if they are in this world," she informs me. I look at my parents, and then at my siblings who are quietly waiting.
"Why don't you take the kids out, y/dad's/n? We have catching up to do as the women of the family," my father scurries to his feet at the woman's request. I don't like the way she has everything under her feet. As if everyone is beneath her because of her age.

"I know what your thinking. I'm only 5 years older than your parents dear," she smiles at my mom in a weird way. I don't like this. There is a sudden knock on the door.
"Go, hide in the makeshift closet. Don't worry about y/dad's/n and the children, they are safe out back, now go!" Me and my mother scramble to our feet and we start rushing to the room. Just as we stand up, I immediately trip on an ottoman. I hate those things. I always had something against them and now they are fighting my power. At a time like this! I wanted nothing more than to get out of this situation, I lie awkwardly on the floor as my mom tries to help me. There's another knock on the door.
"Run, go and hide! I'll stay with Aunt Marley," I mouth and whisper to my mom, who reluctantly goes into the closet. I sit on my knees, sitting on the floor in front of the couch. I'm crouched so the back end of the couch covers my head. My aunt opens the door.
"Hello ma'am, we're just checking the area and doing security checks. Do you live here alone?" I hear a man speak. I understand Korean, so it wasn't surprising to hear the language. It is actually kinda refreshing. I don't dare to stick my head out. I'm a fugitive on the run and my only crime is being born into a family who runs from their debts. What do I do?
"No, I live here with my Granddaughter. Come say hi, y/n," I stand up, and hold my breath. My pulse quickens as I see the man. He appears to be a seventeen year old, but Koreans look younger than they are so I'm gonna guess he's twenty. He has brown hair and a cute face that reminds me of a bunny. He gives me a smirk and takes my hand. I gasp a little when he...kisses the back of my hand. He's like a prince. But then I remember he is apart of the Mafia. One of Seven tribes. I don't know which tribe he belongs to.
"May I say, you are very pretty. Now do you know of a family who came around this part of town? A man, A woman, and Three kids?" I gulp. My aunt sternly grabs my hand. Tightly. As if I would disappear if she let go.
"No, sorry we haven't seen anything-" my aunt starts. "Not you. I'm asking her," he interrupts her. I gulp again. Partly because my Korean probably sounded too "American" and partly because I was scared of getting caught.
"You already heard her. No weird families were here. Now if you would please leav-"
"-Let me check around the house," he interrupts me this time, and I've had it with this rude officer. I put my hand on the door frame, stopping him. My aunt is frozen with shock and fear. My aura changes altogether.
"We are citizens of this country, and you can't deny our freedom in our own house. Do you even have a warrant?!" I ask him angrily in Korean. Somehow, the language naturally rolls off my tongue.
"N-no ma'am. I'll be on my way. Have a nice day!" I huff at the rude guy. I didn't know the Mafia could be so rude. And here I thought they were just strict military guys.

"That's so funny! You totally got that one, y/n!" My family laughs over my stubbornness at the dinner table.
"Yeah, that guy was so annoying! I didn't know they recruited guys like that! And flirting in front of my Grandma like that, ew!" We laugh some more. Suddenly, all our glass wear began moving. And then our silverware. And then the entire table. Her cupboard shakes.
"we're being abducted by aliens!!!" My dad exclaims.
"That's a helicopter!!!" My aunt yells back.
"We're all gonna die!!!" My younger brother yells. Turns out, someone was right about one thing. A helicopter lands in the backyard (and it is a very large backyard FYI.) A man with dark brown and a light brown streak wearing sunglasses and an outfit with a lot of black leather steps out of the helicopter. He has this trench coat that makes him look even more badass. A couple more men file out of the helicopter and stand in attention position while holding their machine guns in front of them.

"The Y/last/n family. I have finally found you," he takes off his sunglasses and reveals his dark brown eyes.
"And until you decide to pay off all your debt to me within the next three years, I will be taking one of you with me. So no more use in running, because we will always have a member of your family with us," he throws a contract in front of us. "This is an agreement that your parents had made with my grandparents earlier. Not only that, but they borrowed money from all the tribes equally leaving total debt about 1.2 million U.S dollars. We all expect payment from you as soon as possible and as it says in this contract: "If money is not returned within 25 years of debt, then all tribes that are part of the Mafia are allowed to take action against person/people in debt in forms of physical torture, mental torture, legally sueing, and holding a person hostage." This is what the fine print says. It's been 32 years, and your family still hasn't payed the debt. We are done waiting. We want our money back or we will take this to the court," I bite my nails and look between my parents and the boss. My parents hold each other and start crying. My siblings tear up as well, and I just sit in silence and shock.
"Now who to choose?" He scans us.
"Too short, too fat," he taunts my brother and sister.
"Too old, too married, too weak," he points to my parents and aunt. And then he does something that I hoped wouldn't happen. He points his finger at me and says,

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