Chapter 4

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"Madame," Jimin bows. lady who I have never seen before walks out of a random corner. Unlike M, this lady has a beautiful complexion with dark hair and dark blue eyes. Her lips are a bright red. She wears a light sundress with yellow and pink flowers on it.
"Please, call me mom at home. Hello, you must be y/n," she focuses on me.
"Hi, Mrs. Boss?" I ask. She waves her hand.
"No need for that, just call me Arien. I just came to see who the new guest is and you seem to be doing great. I'll be on my way now. Enjoy your stay," I gawk at how nice the lady seemed. And she's treating me like a guest instead of a hostage! I knew life with Jimin would be great. It's already five times better than a day with my family.
"What was that about? You call your mom 'ma'am'?" I ask, confused.
"Don't let her looks fool you. She is actually a very formidable and fierce leader. She goes to schools on weekends to teach kids how to fight,"
"Whoa, cool!" Jimin glares at me. "I mean....what a woman," I change my answer.

"Do you want to eat something?" He asks me.
"Sure," I am pushed into a room filled with all sorts of food on a long dining table.
"Whoa, this is so cool. How many people eat here anyway?" I ask.
"Four, but my brother is out on a business trip so three for now. You get to eat here too, now! Just consider yourself part of the family," I am dissatisfied with his answer. I'm glad he wants to protect me, but why does the thought of him being my brother disgust me? He's cute and all, and would make a wonderful big brother but he's literally a Mafia boss. I don't think I can ever bring myself to think of him as such, because I've had such a terrible impression of the Mafia since I was a child.
"Hey, can you explain the seven tribes to me, in detail?" I ask, bored with not having anything to do.

"Of course, first there is my tribe. The water tribe is very important as I was told we are descendants of actual gods that used to roam the earth and that I could control water with my 'power,' unfortunately, I don't have any supernatural powers, but I can rule the world," I raise my eyebrows and start sinking my teeth into the food.
"There's Jungkook, the leader of the Earth tribe and he was also believed to be in the same situation as me. Taehyung is the leader of the Desert tribe which instead of being godlike, stemmed from nomads who decided to change their ways of life. Permanently.
Then there is Hoseok of the sun tribe, Yoongi the leader of the fire tribe, Namjoon is the leader of reflections. He is our leader, the one who bought the official Mafia together as we know it. Jin is also the leader of
The Tribe of Destruction. Namjoon did have a tribe of his own, but it was attacked by an opposing force. It was called the Peace tribe. He just wanted a good world. But now there are currently six active tribes and he runs the whole show, so everything is working!" For the first time, I witnessed a side of Jimin I'd barely seen.
"Jimin....there's nothing to worry about, right? Is there anyone trying to kill you?" I ask. He sighs.
"Unfortunately, yes. I'm a national treasure and people wanna get their hands on me. I'm used to death threats all the time, so don't worry about it," I push my food away.
"That is not okay. You should be protected at all times!" I demand, sounding more like his master rather than it being the other way around.
"You're right, but when I'm gone...who will protect you?" Seriously, my heart is going to melt.
"Me, myself and I." I answer and then he takes my wheelchair again and we take a stroll down the hall.

For the rest of the day, Jimin and I hang out while exploring his mansion. We find secret passages, love letters, and many places while exploring. That is until we stumble across another secret hideout.
We are talking and then-BAM! A man walks out of the wall.

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