Chapter 1 - The Concert

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White V-Neck.

Chapter 1 - The Concert



"Thank you Indianapolis! Goodnight!" my brother Vic said into the microphone before we walked off stage.

I was beginning to get tired.

Thank God we had the day off tomorrow.


When Vic, Jaime, Tony, and I made it to our merch table, fans were already lined up.


Forty minutes after we sat down, we decided it was time to go.

The guys started to get up when someone caught my attention.

"Hey guys wait up. It seems like we have one more." I said to the guys, motioning for them to sit back down.

"Hi! Thank you guys so much for not leaving." the girl said in a soft, tired voice.

"Hey, no problem. Anything for the fans, you guys are the ones that got us to where we are today." I smiled.

She smiled back with the most perfect smile I have ever seen.

She was very gorgeous. She had long straight brown hair that almost reached her waist, light blue eyes, and very soft looking lips. She was wearing torn black skinny jeans, a white v-neck, and black and white Converse. Her make up was very simple, but she looked so beautiful.

The girl was talking to the guys while I admired how beautiful she was.


"What Vic?"

"Sign the poster. You're the last one that needs to sign it." Vic said laughing.

"What? Oh yeah!" I laughed.

As I took my time signing my name, Vic decided to make small talk with her.

"So what's your name sweetheart?" he asked.

"Allison Amber Smith." she smiled.

"Who is your favorite member in the band?" Vic asked raising an eyebrow.

Allison (perfect name, I might add) laughed at Vic's facial expression before speaking up.

"Well I like you all very much and in a way you're all my favorites."

"Ahh, but you must only have ONE."

"Well, if one MUST have only ONE favorite, then it would be Mike. Mike is my favorite."

I immediately looked up and smiled at her, her face instantly turning red.

She looked at her phone.

"Well, it was very nice talking to you guys but sadly I've got to go."

We all waved as she left.


"Eyy vato! Why didn't you get her number?" I heard Jaime say to me as Tony and Vic got up.

"Why? She's probably not into me anyway." I frowned.

"Please! We saw the way she looked at you and the way you were just looking at her when we were signing her poster! Now go get her number or I'll go get it for you." he said, a serious expression on his face.

Vic and Tony left.

"Nahh, I don't know man. You know what happened with Kate and I don't think I can go through it again."

White V-Neck. [Mike Fuentes]Where stories live. Discover now