Chapter 32

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After we have sat with our babies for around an hour we decide it's time to go home and meet everyone and let them meet our children, one of the guards have been to our house and picked up some stuff for Jude and Lennon and some clothes for the both of us, after we are ready and the babies are placed in the car seats we make our way out of the room I delivered in and out to the hall I look around at the sight in front of me there is things broken all over the floor, blood everywhere and the guards are taking out the dead bodies to bury or burn them i'm not really sure which.

"Was everyone okay no-body got hurt or killed from our side did they?" I ask Jonah with worry in my voice.

"Yes unfortunately there were quite a few injured and there was some deaths all the families have been told and the funerals will be planned as soon as possible"

"Was it anyone we are close to" I ask feeling slightly guilty asking that as these people died  protecting me and our babies.

"Umm well, they were older pack member I know our parents were friends with them but our family is safe and our friends are safe. I know this is a horrible situation but there is nothing we can do about it. They died protecting their pack, they died hero's and will be treated that way" he tells me which I can't say makes me feel any better about the situation. we make our way out to Jonah's car and he puts the car seats in the back, I get in the front and Jonah gets in after we make our way home and I see the whole pack stood round the house I turn to Jonah looking confused and ask him

"What's going on, why is everyone here?"

"Its tradition that when an alpha has a child or in our case children the whole pack comes to meet the future leader or leaders of the pack they all smell them and get to know their scent so they know to protect them with their life" he explains to me which I have to say makes me feel really uneasy about everyone smelling my children they are only an hour old. We get out and Jonah gets the boys out he passes me one car seat and he takes the other "you walk down one side and then we will swop sides after they all get a chance to meet them is that okay"

"Yes that's fine" I say although I'm not really feeling fine about it we walk along the line of people and let them scent the babies and as longs as they didn't touch which none of them did I was okay with it. We were greeted by both our parents at the front door of the house, we say good bye to pack and thanked them for coming to meet the twins and went inside. When in the house we made are way to the living room and after putting Lennon down and Jonah putting Jude down I flopped on the sofa and let out a big breath today has been long and stressful to say the least

"Can we have cuddles with them now everyone has met them?" my mother asked and I see Jonah's mum looking eagerly at me as well

"Yes, let me just get them out and you both can have cuddles" I tell them and they beam at me looking so happy.  I get them out of the car seats and pass them over to them and smile at how happy they look holding their new grandchildren my mum has Jude and Jonah's mum has Lennon.

"I can't get over how much they look like each other they are completely identical how can you tell them apart I mean they even have the same birth mark on their neck" my mum asks which makes me laugh

"Well they are identical twins mum but Jude has three freckles under his right eye and Lennon hasn't so that's how I know which is which"

"I just can't get over how much they look like both of you, they are a complete mix of you both. If I was just to meet Jonah I would say they look like him but seeing you next to them they really look like you as well" Jonah's dad tells us

"I really thought they looked like Jonah after Jude was born but as soon as he saw them he told me they look like me" I say with a massive smile on my face. I watch as my mum and Jonah's swop then pass them over to their grandad's after everything we have been through I'm so glad that we have all put our differences behind us and can sit here enjoying the new arrivals it makes me feel so happy

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