Chapter 15

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We pull up at my sisters house and I looked over at Emmett he was looking at me smiling I smiled back to him and say

"Come on I don't think you have met Emma properly let me introduce you" we got out the car and started to walk to the front door, we walked in and I shout for my sister.

"Emma we're here" I then see her walk out of the kitchen door which leads in to the hallway her house is big well maybe about the same size as mine but more modern I'm guessing that's Emma's influence.

"Emma this is Emmett, Emmett this is my sister Emma" I say

"So this is the famous Emmett my father has tried so hard to keep from us. Welcome, welcome you little reprobate what have you done this time" she says as she walks over to us giving me a hug "well, well, well what a turn out for the books who would have thought that little Emmett would turn out to be your mate I bet dad is furious after keeping you away from each other for all these years just for you to end up being mated with each other" she continue's with a smile "come on lets get you some food and drink. Have you eaten yet?"

"No not yet" I turn to Emmett "are you hungry?"

"umm yer come to think about it I'm bloody starving all I have had today was a cup of tea then world war three kicked off" Emmett replied and I gave him a quick elbow and a glare telling him not to say anything else.

"Come on then its kind of late but I have some left over spaghetti bolognese from lunch it just needs heating up is that okay?"

"Yer that's fine thank you" Emmett responds giving Emma a friendly smile we walk in to the kitchen which is all open plan and sit down at the table while Emma starts to heat up the bolognese and starts to cook the pasta

"So are you going to tell me what happened at home and why you both basically ran away in the middle of the night?"

"It's a long story can we talk about it in the morning please?" I say rubbing my temples not really wanting to get in to this right now.

"Sure but don't think for one minute that this conversation is over by any means"

"god all right mum chill out" I say with a cheeky grin knowing she hates when I compare her with our mother she walks over and hands us both a cup of tea sugars on the table just get the milk out the fridge Emmett because I don't know how you like it"

"Thanks" he says kindly taking the cup from her Emma walks away and goes back to the food, she starts to plate it up and brings it over

"Sorry it's not much but its all we have such sort notice"

"Don't worry it smells amazing Emma thanks for having us" Emmett tells her taking the food off her

"Well I couldn't really have one of my baby brothers sleeping in his car along with his mate now could I? right I'm going to bed your room is ready for you both it's the first on the right as you walk up the stairs" Emma informs us as she walks out the kitchen and up the stairs

"Night" we call out to her before she disappears we both sit and eat our meals in comfortable silence when we are done I take Emmett's plate over to the dishwasher.

"Right come one lets go to bed I will get the bags out of the car tomorrow, I don't know where Emma has put the key and I don't want to disturb her again tonight" Emmett gets up and follows me up the stairs we make our way to the room the Emma told us about.

Warning smut below 👇🏻
I open the door and walk in I stand to the side and wait for Emmett to enter I close the door behind him and lock it he turns to me with a curious look.

Sons of prophecyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora