Chapter 2

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Picture above Jonah


The weeks have gone by and now it's two weeks before my birthday, my parents have been clucking around and everyone is getting things ready for the party, which the whole pack is invited to I'm starting to get irritated with everyone rushing around and being so busy. Okay maybe I'm acting like a brat, but hey it's my birthday I'm allowed haha.

"hey dad? mum?"

"yer" my mother shouts

"I'm going out for a run is that okay or is there something that you wanted me to do before I go out?"

"no it's okay honey you can go for a run, have fun and don't come back to late" she says

"okay see you later" I reply as i'm walking out the door in to the back garden, I strip off and start to shift in to beautiful pitch black wolf, Night who I must say is very excited to be let loose

"Jonah let me take over I want to run!"  Night pretty much screams at me in my head

"okay okay, god what has gotten into you lately you are getting more and more demanding" with that he ignored my question and took full control and started running I have no idea where he is going but I seems like we have been running for ages, we finally come to a stop and I see another wolf, one I don't recognise sun bathing in the field that I have ended up in I look around and I must say it's beautiful it full of green grass and poppies I don't think I have ever been here before

"Night where are we where have you brought us and who is that?" I ask him

"umm to be honest I have no idea I just ran but we are still on your fathers territory so it must be a pack member"

with that I slowly walked over to the wolf who hadn't noticed that I was even there I let out a little friendly bark and the wolf turns to look at me and I must say this wolf is beautiful he is also black and has a white moon shaped patch on his head between his eyes.

"Hi whats your name?" I asked through mind link.

He answers me saying "Emmett who are you?"

with that I froze "shit Night what do I do, I'm not supposed to be here I'm not supposed to be talking to him do I leave and run off?" "NO !!! stay, talk to him. no-one is hear no-one will know, apart from us" Night shouted at me

"okay.. why are you being so irritated" he growls at me and I just roll my eyes at him. while I have been have this internal argument he is looking at me as if I'm losing the plot

"sorry my name is Jonah mind if I join you?" he looks at me with a look I'm pretty sure I had about two minutes ago

"umm I'm not sure you know as well as I do that your father and mother don't want you to have anything to do with us"

"well as far as I can see it's only you and me and what they don't know won't hurt us" I reply he looks at me looking very unsure "look if you really are unsure ask your wolf he wouldn't steer you wrong all I can say is mine wants to stay and get to know you" I say.

He pauses for a few minutes and has a chat with his wolf and then looks at me "I'm sorry but I really don't think it would be a good idea" he says and runs off In the woods  behind us, with that Night lets out a long howl, in my head I had to shake it just to stop the headache that I was sure he was going to cause

"are you okay Night what's wrong?"  "I just wanted to talk to him why would he just leave ?"  "maybe he's just scared we can try again if you want to talk to him that badly" "okay thank you Jonah I don't know why but I just want to be close to him and get to know him" "its okay Night it will work out I will try my hardest if it's that important to you" with that he sigh's and starts to fade to the back of my mind and I run home trying to figure out one- how the hell I'm going to get him to talk to me and two- why Night wants to spend time with him so much.

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