Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning with a grunt. I really didn't sleep well last night all I could think about is my date... wait not a date just meeting as friends right? Right ! so anyway I roll out of bed and make my way to the shower slowly letting the water heat up and make my way inside I give myself a good scrub and then get out brush my teeth and make my way in to the bedroom and find some clothes to wear today thinking the whole time about what I'm going to be doing tonight. I can't seem to get my mind off it and I can feel Shadows excitement on top of mine which really isn't helping "My god Shadow if you keep this up you are going to make me have some kind of panic attack" I say to him hoping that he will calm himself down soon.

"I'm sorry I'm just as excited as you are" he replies

"Well do you think that you could kindly calm yourself down because I can't cope with your excitement, my excitement and then going to school" with that I feel him roll his eyes and start to fade into the back of my mind so that I can get on with the day without my heart leaving my chest because it's beating so hard.

I make my way down stairs and into the kitchen I shout for my mum, dad or brother but it looks like they have already left for work and school, I make myself so toast to eat on the way to school.

I walk through the village and hear a beep, it's Lou.

"Hey you wanna ride" she asks as she comes to a stop next to me.

"Yer okay" I reply climbing in to the car we make our way to school and meet up with the rest of our friends before we make are way into the building and into form.

"You wanna come and hang out tonight Seb is coming over as well, we are planning on a supernatural bing with popcorn and sweets you in?" Lou asks

"Sorry Lou I can't tonight I'm busy maybe another night?"

"Why what are you doing that is more important than sitting and watching the beautiful Jenson Ackles?" she asks with a confused look. She knows that I love that show and I am a massive fan of Jenson Ackles okay so she doesn't know that I think that man is a god I mean look at him he is what wet dreams are made of but any way I digress.

"Sorry my mum and dad are making me and my brother have a family night so I can't" I lie hoping that she won't notice.

"Hmmmmm okay well we will do it another time then" she says.

I think she bought it.

After form I slowly make my way down the halls to my first lesson English I make my way to a free seat at the back of the class room hoping that I can get away sitting on my own and staring out the window but no such luck I take my seat and someone comes and sits next to me I think his name is Carter maybe I don't really know him. English is the only class we have together and this is the first time he has ever spoken to me.

"Hey man you mind if I sit with you?" he asks

I look up and blink at him in shock "Yer if you want to it's a free country" I say

"Cool thanks man my name is Carter I have seen you around but never introduced myself" he say holding out his hand I look at him in shock at first then take his hand and shake it.

"Hi I'm Emmett but everyone calls me Em" I say

The teacher walks in and start the lesson and I must say I feel relived I mean there is nothing wrong with Carter we just have never spoken we hang out in completely different circle of friends and it's weird that he is trying to talk to me all of a sudden. With that I get my English books out and try to pretend to concentrate but I must say it's hard because he keep's talking to me I just try and ignore him the best I can and hope that my day goes by quickly.

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