Chapter 12

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I wake up after have a very unsettled nap my head was now throbbing my eyes were stinging and feeling sensitive, my sense of smell was hypersensitive and making me feel sick to my stomach I felt like crying in pain. I thought to myself 'great I have a Migraine just what I need' I pull some clothes on that I find thrown on the floor and make my way down stairs to look through the kitchen cupboards for my medication to try and rid the pain that I'm feeling.  Just then my mother walks in I ignore her to get on with what I'm doing.

"You okay?" she asked

"Not really, Have you seen my medication?" I ask at this moment not really caring that I was mad at both my mother and father I just wanted this pain to leave.

"I saw you put the last of it in your school bag you need to order some more from the doctors" she explains to me

"Okay" I simply respond making my way over to my school bag hoping that I haven't taken the last of it. I rummage through my bag and finally placing my hand on the box I give a silent prayer that there is at least one in the box I open it up and see one staring back up at me I sigh in relief I head to the kitchen get a bottle of water out the fridge and pop the tablet in my mouth and throw back the water to wash the tablet down. after that I make my way up to my room and lay on my bed in the darkness hoping that this pain would disappear and I would feel normal again soon.


I wake up after falling asleep and I heave a sigh for the fact that my Migraine has now gone 'thank god' I think to myself as I pull myself out of bed I grab my phone and see that I have ten missed calls from Carter 'Shit' I think.  I pull up his number and press call it rings a couple of times and then he answers he doesn't sound very impressed

C "Hello" he says in an irritated tone 'shit does he know what happened?' I think to my self

E "Hi, you okay? sorry I missed you calls I was out and I left my phone at home"

C "oh okay, I'm fine but I thought we were going to watch a movie last night?"

E "shit, was we, I completely forgot I'm so sorry. Louise came round we drank a bottle of wine and then I went for a run and my wolf got a little side tracked and I ended up staying out late"

C "Oh I see"

E "So umm, Do you think I could meet you today I think I need to talk to you and I can't really do it on the phone?"

C "Ummm sure should I be worried about this?"

E "I will explain when I see you if that's okay? Could I meet you at the coffee shop in town say around five?"

C "sure I will see you there. bye"

E "Okay bye" I hang up the phone feeling really anxious about having to have this conversation with him I mean how can you even tell the person that you are seeing that you met your mate and slept with him but it's okay because you didn't mean to fuck your wolf made you do it. Yep sounds like a stand up plan to me, if in doubt blame your wolf.


I walk to the coffee shop and see Carter sitting there waiting for me I gulp down my nerves and try to find as much courage as I can.

"Hi" he greets me as I take a seat next to him "I ordered you a tea, one sugar and milk and left the tea bag in as you always complain that it's not strong enough" he tells me 'shit- just make this harder why not' I think

"Thanks" I say as I take a drink of my tea "so umm I don't know how to say this but I think it's best if I just come out and say it" I say nervously

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