Chapter 26

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Emmett and I sit at the dining room table eating our breakfast when Emmett received a phone call from Stephan he informed him that the other pack members from his aunts packs is flying today and they should be arrive tomorrow which means that we are going to have to move faster on the flats that we are getting ready for them he told there would be around 15-20 people coming so they may have to share until everything is settled, which could end up being a good thing since they are coming from such a long way with no family only each other.

"Em I have to go and inform my dad that they are coming to make sure that everything is ready for them when they arrive"

"Okay" he says leaning back in the chair rubbing his stomach I make my way down to my fathers study and knock on the door he answers me nearly straight away. I walk in the room and take a seat opposite him.

"Hay son how can I help you?"

"Emmett just received a phone call from Stephan, He told him that the rest of the pack member are on their way and will be arriving tomorrow. I will mind link the workers to make sure that their rooms are ready in the new flats that have been built are ready for them, I will make it so that if they aren't then there will be enough room to share we are expecting around 15-20 people from what Emmett told me."

"Okay that sounds good to me well done son you are arranging this really well. I think we were really lucky that the flats that were being built before we knew that they were coming to us and now we should have plenty of room for them when they are complete. I think we should take about you and Emmett taking over soon, maybe a couple of weeks? What do you think?"

"Umm well you know I would love to take over but I have just got Emmett back and with him being pregnant and all I think we should wait a little longer until we take over officially but I think it would be a good idea if I start taking some of the jobs off your hands to prepare me fully for when I take over"

"I think that would be a good idea. You have already taken charge of the newest pack members joining and you have handled it well, I agree Emmett has just moved back and he is expecting your pup and with that being a shock in its self maybe it would be a good idea to wait till he has settled in and all." as we are sitting taking and arranging everything for the coming days one of the pack guards runs in the room without knocking.

"Alpha, Jonah I'm sorry to interrupt but we are being attacked on the north side of our territory"

"How many?" my father asks

"Around 7 but it's not clear at the moment, the other guards picked up some activity when they were doing border patrol"

"Okay tell the guards that aren't on patrol to go join the others I want double the amount of guards on the other side of the boarders. Gather as many beta's that are able to fight and willing to join us to back us up on the North boarder" I tell him in which he runs out of the room to complete the task I have ordered I walk into the dining room to Emmett who is still sat there flicking through his phone.

"Emmett, we are being attacked! I need you and my mother to organise all the pregnant women and children anyone who is unable to fight to go to the bunker"

"Jonah I can help you fight I don't want to just sit there waiting Im just as strong as you and stronger than most of the pack!"

"Emmett you are carrying my pup you can't fight right now I know you are strong this isn't about that, this about keeping our child safe!"

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't think I will go and find your mother, brother and start a pack mind link with her I will inform all the women, men who can't fight and children to come here accompanied by a pack member who is able to fight if needed I will also tell Carter to collect Stephan and ask him to bring him here. After that they can join you have they been informed where the intruders are?"

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