Chapter 5

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After last night I spent most the night tossing and turning in bed try to wrap my head round what happened in the shower. I'm not gay - I have never been attracted to a man in that way I have only ever had girlfriends but something about Emmett has my head spinning I really don't have a problem with gay people not at all I mean my close friend Carter is gay and has been out for years I just have never thought of my self that way. Well, that was until last night that had me questioning everything about myself. That  was the best orgasm of my life and all I was thinking about was what I was wanting that beautiful man to do to me. About his luscious lips wrapped around my cock and it was the most amazing image that has ever crossed my mind. The more the night went on it felt like it was not only a fantasy but a need an obsession that I had to make come true with that thought I shake my head and get ready for the day and make my way down stairs to have my breakfast with everyone.

"You all right man, you look like shit" Carl said

I hum in response then say "I didn't sleep well"

"Again, thats the second night, is anything wrong?" my mum says to me

"No it's probably just the fact that my exams start today" I lie

"Okay well I'm sure you have nothing to worry about you're practically a straight A student I'm sure you will ace them I have faith in you" my mum says we sit and eat the rest of our breakfast and then make are way to school where everyone is lined up in the playground ready to head in to the exam.

Then I spot him a few rows over from me I see him looking over to me with a sight smile on his face and all I can think about is the view of him down on his knees with that I can feel my cheeks heat up I give him a small smile back and look at the floor. We make our way into the hall and take our seat.

We make our way out of the hall and Carter and Carl catch up to me.

"How do you think you did?" Carter asks

"Okay I think, you?" I ask them both

"okay" Carl said

"Bloody hell man I think I shitted out, I think I messed that up big time I didn't notice the time go and at the end I panicked and rushed it" Carter said

"Never mind, you can always retake it if you failed" Carl said with sympathy in his voice, I on the other hand ignore him still thinking about the fact that he wants to ask MY  Emmett out on a date god I hope he says no or even better he doesn't ask. 'God what kind of friend am I' I think to my self.

"One that doesn't want his grubby hands all over OUR Emmett" Night says to me god that thought makes me want to punch him all over again. With that I push the thought out of my head before I do my poor friend some damage when he doesn't even know what he has done wrong I hear a huff from Night in the back of my mind I just ignore him and get on with our conversation.

"so what you doing with the rest of the day" Carter asks

"Well, I have a maths exam this afternoon then I'm just going to chill you?" I say

"Yer I have Maths too you wanna hang out till then?" Carter reply's with that I hear Night say

"Hell no" I just ignore his hormonal arse and say

"Yer what you wanna do?"

"lets go eat" Carl says and Carter agrees

"Sure lets go" I say

After lunch and our Maths exam I make my way home and slob in front  of the telly until its time to go and see MY Emmett "OUR Emmett" Night informs me with a growl

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