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Before this begins!!!

I want to thank y'all for-
*Runs to computer looking up book*

This is actually amazing. I didn't know this book would actually be successful!! Saiki has truly blessed us this evening.

So for this chapter, will be special!
I will make it longer than any other chapter!

And also! Comment any questions and in the next chapter I will answer them!! I need questions by at least October 3rd to for your question to be mentioned in the chapter. You obviously will get a shout out also

Thank you all again and enjoy this 1k special!!!

Aika woke up to the smell of Saiki's comforters. For a moment she started to freak out, but that feeling eased as her memories began rushing through her.

Last night they had went on a small date and she spent the night, and she was wearing one of Saiki's shirts. It was a pale green button up he had worn a couple days ago.

Aika sat up, looking around the sun spotted room. She could hear birds chirping outside, which was comforting.

But Saiki was already awake, and not in the room. Aika stood up, her bare feet softly landed on the cold wooden floor.

She looked on his desk and saw one of her outfits from her closet neatly folded and a note.

She picked up the note and read it.

Aika, you may be wondering where I am, but I guess my "friends" did me some good. Teruhashi's arcade thing isn't until 8 so we have some time. This will be a scavenger hunt. I got you some of your clothes. So first, eat breakfast. My mom is in the kitchen.

She giggled at the note and whispered to herself. "Scavenger hunt?"

She quickly got changed into what Saiki has fetched her. It was just a plain white sweater and some leggings. She looked at the yellow scarf that was draped over Saiki's desk chair.

She took it, remembering she hadn't seen this in years, and put the scarf on.

She grabbed her phone and left Saiki's room. She went down the stairs and to her surprise, Saiki's mom was indeed down in the kitchen, making pancakes.

"Good morning Aika! How was your night?"

Aika shrugged, sitting down at a seat as Saiki's mom placed down a plate of pancakes.

"I have to go to work! Oh! Ku told me to give this to you! Bye!!" And Saiki's mom was out the door, after handing Aika a note.

She ate her pancakes quickly and opened the note.

I know what I'm about to say is very true,
But go to the place where I met you.

Where they met... the hallway? He wanted her to go to the hallway outside the school cafeteria.

Aika put her dishes in the dish washer and grabbed her phone and put her shoes on, going to the school.


At the school the doors were open, because of the Saturday program they had for kids who needed extra help.

She walked inside, looking around, making her way to the cafeteria.

Outside the cafeteria she saw one of Saiki's friends, Kaidou.

"Oh. You must be Sadashi. Here." Kaidou said, obviously trying to keep a cool. He handed her another note.

Aika nodded at him, walking away to read the note.

When I was writing this I heard a dog bark
So I'm making you go to the park.

She giggled at how he was trying to rhyme. So she did what he said, going to the park.


Aika had spend the whole day walking around the town, going to places where she and Saiki had once gone.

She went to the ramen shop and Nendou had given her a note also.

You know I'm not Bob Ross,
But go to the place with the cool moss.

She sighed. His rhyming was getting worse by the second. But she continued on, going to the mountain of large rocks at the beach, where Aika had kept on ripping the moss off of some of the large rocks.


At the beach, she looked up and saw a familiar silhouette sitting on the rocks. It was quite windy, and her hair was flying around her face. And so she began climbing up to where Saiki was.

Once at the top, she saw him smile slightly at her.
'Hey Saiki.'

'Saiki is way to formal for the state our relationship is at.'

Aika realized that he had also been calling her Aika for a while now, and she hadn't come to think of it.

'Just call be Kusuo.'

Aika smiled at him.
'Ok, Kusuo.'

Kusuo also smiled at her, then back at the ocean, the waves hitting the rocks, making it sound like thunder.

'So why did you send me all around town today just to find you?'

Kusuo looked down, biting his lip.

Was that, a blush?? Aika couldn't believe it. Kusuo Saiki has blushed.

Kusuo coughed, avoiding her gaze.

"I uh, wanted to talk to you formally..'

Aika was surprised, but listened closely.

"I've known you for a long while now... and I wanted to say that you are such an amazing person, and I've liked you for a while now. You are very cute too, especially when you blush over something stupid. I was wondering, will you be my girlfriend?"

Aika's eyes widened, and her face blushed beat red, and she smiled a bit.

"O-Of course, Kusuo..." He looked at her, surprised to hear her low whisper in the thundering waves smashing onto the rocks.

Aika made it so her and Kusuo were sitting right next to each other.


After a while, they had been sitting in silence, listening to the crashing waves and the wind.

Aika's head rested on Kusuo's shoulder, their fingers intertwined. It was like a dream come true for her.

"Uh..." Aika whispered, trying to start a conversation between the two, but it ended up as Aika getting lost in Kusuo's eyes.

They had stared at each other for a couple minutes, and it felt, natural.

Almost as like it was in sync, the two leaned in, not questioning a thing.

Aika felt Kusuo's soft lips press against her own, and went along with it, kissing him back passionately.

They broke apart the kiss, and Kusuo started to laugh at Aika's beat red face, which made her pout like a baby and look away.

But Kusuo smiled, wrapping his arm around Aika, and they sat in each other's embrace, listening to the crashing waves.

"I love you too, Kusuo.."


It's Far from Over- S.K x Reader fiction Where stories live. Discover now