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At lunch weeks later, Saiki sat in the hallway with Aika. Usually Saiki and her shared a lunch, or they didn't eat and roamed the halls or school grounds, talking, or thinking to each other.

Saiki is confused by Aika sometimes.

Saiki can't normally hear everything she thinks just randomly. It's only when it's geared towards him.

So it was hard for Saiki to figure out what was going on with her.

One day she comes in with bruises and the next is a cut on her left cheek.

She makes up excuses every day.

'I fell down the stairs'
'I'm a very clumsy person'
'I fell walking my dog'
'My cat attacked me'

Everyday was a different excuse.

But Teruhashi on the other hand, wasn't having it. She hated that Saiki was friends with Aika.

Saiki was happy with Aika, he was usually annoyed by Kaido or Nendou.

"Oh Saiki~!" Their sharing lunch was stopped by the one and only.

Teruhashi smiled at them.
"Saiki~! I've been looking for you!"

Teruhashi looked at them.
'SHARING A LUNCH?? Oh boy this girl has gone too far!!'

"I was wondering if later you could help me with my homework! I saw you could understand it~"
"I'm busy."

Teruhashi groaned in her head.

"With what?"
"None of your business."

'I bet he's hanging out with Sadashi! Ugh!! I HATE HER!'

"W-Well, could we do it n-now then? I understand if you don't want to but I could really use your help!"
"Will you leave me alone if I help you."

Saiki sighed, looking at Aika.
"I'll be back." Saiki stood up and walked away with Teruhashi to the classroom.

Aika sighed, looking at the little food left on the tray her and Saiki had been sharing. She frowned, eating a french fry.


Saiki sat down at a table at the back of the room with Teruhashi. Teruhashi put her chair credibly close to Saiki's, which he found annoying.

She got her homework and he explained things to her, she made a occasional:

"Oh! Ok~"
"Now I understand thanks to you!"
"You are very smart, Saiki~!"

He knew she understood the homework. How? Simple. She was answering all the questions in class.

After they got through it, it was almost the end of lunch.

Saiki got up to leave to find Aika.

Teruhashi stood up, grabbing his arm.
"H-Hey! C-Could we just, talk for a bit?"

'She looks nervous, I don't think it's because she talking to me though.'

'Those girls better thank my godly ass!! I could ruin my reputation I had built up for 16 years!!'

'Those girls? Ruining reputation? Teruhashi hating Aika? Keeping me away from her? This isn't good'

"I'm busy. You should thank me I wasted my lunch for you."

That came off a bit rude, but Saiki didn't care. Maybe the likability meter will go down.

Before Teruhashi could stop him, Saiki walked out of the room, quickly.

Saiki took a pause, crossing his eyes.
'Where is she....'


It's Far from Over- S.K x Reader fiction Where stories live. Discover now