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Aika sat with Saiki in the hallway, eating a couple of his fries.

'So are we going to pretend that the other day didn't happen?'

Aika looked up at him, suddenly scared.

'Um.. I-I...'

Saiki sighed. Aika wanted to forget. She wished Saiki didn't see her. She wished he didn't show up.

She wished she hit the ground.

Aika ignored the question, seeing Saiki has finished the food on the lunch tray.

'Y-you wanna go for a walk??'


Aika smiled. She changed the subject. Saiki stood up, bringing his tray into the lunch room, leaving Aika to wait till he returned.


Saiki thought it was better to make her think he was going to just forget about what happened.

He had a theory-

"Hey Buddy!!"


"Hey Saiki! We are gunna hit the ramen shop after school today! Wanna come? You haven't been in a while."

Kaidou too. Saiki didn't want to go, but he hasn't gone in a while. But then, if he didn't go they would stop bothering him.

"Can't." Was all he said as he left the room.


Saiki and Aika walked down the hall, hand in hand. Saiki kept grabbing her hand for some reason, it seemed in a friendly matter, yet protective.

Aika didn't question it.

'Hey Aika, what do girls usually like to talk about?'

Aika looked at him strangely.

'What do you mean..??'

'I don't know, forget I asked.'

Aika shrugged it off as they rounded the corner. It was very awkward that time. Usually they talked, well, you know.

Aika looked at Saiki strangely when he stopped, sending her to a pause also.

'Hold out your hand.'


Why was Saiki now asking such strange questions??

'Just do it.'

Cautiously, Aika held out her hand, and Saiki grabbed the bottom of it.

She was questioning what he was doing, until he pulled up her sweaters sleeve.

She quickly pulled it back.
'What the heck?!'

Saiki frowned.
'So I was right.'

Aika gave him a questioning look, but it turned to dread when he pulled out a sharp object.

It was the blade that she hid in her notebook. She had left it at school that day because she didn't think she left it in there.

Aika frowned, and her eyes were on the verge of tears.
'I'll see you in class...'

And Aika walked away to find somewhere to hide for the rest of the period.


Heyo! I just wanted to tell you guys-

If any of y'all do self harm, please stOPp! It's like a drug, once you do it you can't stop.

Trust me. I'd be the one to know.


But please don't do it!! And don't ever start!!

From yo author,

It's Far from Over- S.K x Reader fiction Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora