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September 29,18

Another day another dollla you told yourself this as you watched teens your age hanging out carefree without a worry in the envied them. How could you not?

You finished up right at 12am once again "I'm lucky to have such a good worker you know y/n" your boss man says. "Thank you for letting me work here to begin with" you smiled gratefully. It was hard to find a job to began with especially with no job experience and being so young.

"Well see you tomorrow!"
"About that.. unfortunately we have to cut your hours it was that or fire someone.." he said sadly.
"Ah...I see..that's fine" you gave a weak smile feeling your stomach drop.

"Dammit aghh why me?!" You angrily shouted kicking a empty bottle. "How am I suppose to pay for all these bills.." 'it took me two months to just find this job..'I can't afford this..'

As you were stressing out you could feel someone watching you. "W-who's there?" You said with a shaky voice. "Wow how'd you know?" The man said almost sarcastically. You squinted your eyes but still couldn't make out his face in the darkness.

"W-what do you want!" You said backing up almost falling cussing at yourself for sounding so weak. He didn't reply just stood there. As you gulped thickly you started to run but you soon realized it was no use as he seemed to be faster. Unfortunately for you, you turned right into a dead end. 'Just my luck'

"please leave me alone!" You started to cry. "Can't do that doll face orders are orders. Just come quietly and no one gets hurt" 'it's me or him..hell its not going to be me!'

You made up your mind and went for it trying to fight your way out. As he grabbed your arm and twisted it behind you, you hissed in pain. 'I'm not dying here!'  He grinned thinking he had you but it quickly dropped once he felt something grab his leg and throw him against the wall making a huge sound. 
"Ahh! Dammit" he said getting up from the impact. 'Since when does she have that much strength' You soon grew tired quickly, using so much strength you fell to your knees breathing heavily your eyes becoming blurry.
"Wow doll guess you don't use that quirk of yours that often ..since the accident huh?" You could barley make out a smirk on his face as a small overhead light shined. "Shut up! You don't know a damn thing!" You slammed your fist on the ground ignoring the pain. You tried getting up but you just tired yourself out too much since it's been couple years since you used your quirk. "Gah-" you fell back as he grew tired and knocked you out cold. 'what a joke' he thought as he carried her bridal style.


"She seems pretty useless she couldn't even use her quirk after her one use" he said bored. kicking her feet up on a broken coffee table."Give her time she'll be quiet useful" he other man chuckled darkly looking at the unconscious girl from across the hall.

"Ow..the hell.." you started to wake up feeling pain in you head. "Oh hey doll face you're awake" you blinked a few times before looking  up to see a man that seemed to have burn marks?She could see he was a bit toned but he was built quiet lean but your eyes traveled up to those bright blue eyes getting lost in them. "Hey she's awake" he spoke ignoring your heavy stare. 'What's her deal' you stood up slowly to see another man with sky blue hair,dry patches on his neck and creepy hands on his face. 'what kinda shitty scary movie is this guy from'

"Finally"he voice was annoyed. "w-who are you and why the hell am I here?? " You wrapped your arms around your body trying not to shake in fear. "well since you asked nicely I'm Shigaraki and I brought you here to join the League of Villains" 'why the hell would they want someone as weak as me?!' "Why would you even want me to join?? Regardless I'm not interested" You lifted your head up high trying to not seem intimidated. "Little birdie told me what your quirks are which peaked our interest so in return I'll help you out" he said as knowing you wouldn't be able to turn him down..not like you have a choice. As you said nothing he started to smirk under that creepy hand. "You seem to be in a financial situation are you not?" He tilted his head mockingly. "S-shut up!" She gritted her teeth he hair covering her face. "Well my master really wants you to join so I'm sure I can make it happen" you stood quiet staring at the ground. "Well I'll let you think about it ok. Look after her" he said to the blue eyed man. He just hummed in response not fazed by the conversation but he couldn't deny he was interested in your relationship with Shigaraki's master.

The spikey black haired man wakes you to a small bedroom nothing but a bed and a shitty thin blanket. "You really don't have much of a choice do you but you'll have to make up your mind"he said "shit I'm not loaded but really just one shitty blanket?" You said as you sat down on the uncomfortable bed ignoring his comment . He just rolled his eyes not bothering.
"What's your name since you're the reason I'm stuck here" you crossed your arms narrowing your eyes.
"Dabi" He said  looking at your tired face. "Doubt that's your real name" you said rolling your eyes. He laughed to your reply. "Whatever I'm sleeping" you turned your back to him. "Knock yourself out you need the sleep, sleeping beauty" he joked. "Shut up" you said before knocking out in less than 5 min tired from the events.

"Damn why is my body waking me up in the middle of the night" you groaned as it was still night time. You sat up looking around there was only a small source of light coming through the shitty window because of the curtain. ''He's asleep I can try and run away but with my use of my quirk I'll get caught in no time' you sighed bitting the inside of your cheek angry you were useless but realized that you weren't cold. That's when you noticed he wasn't wearing his jacket but you looked down to see you had his jacket. 'Well I guess you're not all bad but I still hate you'

     "Thanks Dabi..guess for a super creep who kidnapped me you get a point"

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