Ear Kink (T.H.) p2

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The schedule that Jon gave you for today said that you were "maybe called" for scenes. You had no clue what that was supposed to mean. So, instead of hanging with the rest of the cast out in London, you had to stay in your trailer and wait to be called. If you were even going to be called.

For most of the day, you catch up on shows on Netflix. Netflix: your one true savior. It is always there for you, and you are always there for it when it needs money. You and Netflix have a true friendship.

But of course, Jon has to call you to set in the middle of your episode of Black Mirror. Goddammit Jon.

When you arrive to set, you immediately notice the green screens everywhere and wires hanging down from the ceiling. Jake is strapped to one of the wires and he's standing there in his Mysterio costume. Tom is on the ground with a grumpy look on his face. Poor little baby.

"What can I do for you Jon?" you ask with excitement in your voice. You can't let him know how annoyed you are with him right now. That would be bad.

He places both of his hands together with the first finger pointed out to point at you. "Somebody told me that you know how to make Tom's 'Peter tingle' go off." You can hear Tom grumble, he does not seem happy about what is about to come next, you can tell. "I need you to put on this green screen suit and help me out with up close shots of Peter's senses working, not working, being weird, you know. We will start again in five minutes."

"Can someone bring me down?" Jake shouts, "I really want some water, my mouth is so dry."

You make your way over to a dressing room to change into a full body suit. It is nothing like the Black Cat suit you wore yesterday. This suit hugs all of your curves and covers your entire head except eyes, nose, and mouth. This is just lovely.

"Y/N, I'm glad the suit fits!" Jon laughs, wrapping his arm around your shoulder to drag you in the direction of Tom. "Here is what is going to happen. You will let them act, then when I shout 'now' you will do the thing, whatever it is, and that is what we will work with. Don't be scared to suggest anything if you can think of anything else to make Tom tingle."

To make Tom tingle. That sounds wrong.

Jon stops in front of Tom, who is sitting on the floor with a small pout on his lips. "Okay, Tom, Y/N, you two know what to do. We will do the filming. Y/N, if you get into the shot, it is fine. That is why we put you in a green screen suit, so we can film you if needed."

"Sounds good, Jon." You wave at him as he leaves to get off the set. Tom continues to sit on the floor, staring up at you. "Come on, I have to make you kinky."

"Please don't say that again," Tom grumbles as he stands up from the floor. He wipes off the specks of dust off his own suit, then stands in his correct position for the scene to start again.

"And action!" Jon shouts from behind the cameras. The scene starts with Jake flying back into the hair saying a whole bunch of confusing things. Tom would shout things back. You stand there beside him, but out of the way. "Now!" Jon shouts next. The camera comes flying down in front of Tom as it waits for you to do the magic. You stand on your tiptoes and blow directing in Tom's ear. It doesn't end well.

"Y/N, that still tickles!" He cups his ear with his hands and laughs, which makes you laugh too.

"Oh my god," Jon mutters. "Okay, well, we can mute Tom for saying that. Thankfully we only filmed his arms in this scene, and by the looks of it, we have his arm hair standing up. Jake, you can come back down, we are going to film Y/N and Tom for a while!" He instructs to the other people working on the movie with him. Jake mumbles something about you and Tom too, but you don't hear him from all the laughing. You only heard Jon from his megaphone.

Tom Holland ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon