Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note: Good evening people of Watt Pad, I am back. I really don't have much to say, and it's not like you guys read the intro anyways, so I will cut it short and let you get to reading.


Sigyn's Point of view


I do not know what I was expecting, The Enchantress didn't strike me as a very revealing woman, I must have pictured her as an ugly old hag, dirty robes clinging to her frail bones and a horrible disfigured face. But that is not the case, she is a beautiful woman, silky blonde hair and, well, enchanting blue eyes. Her features are defined by a tight black dress, and her mouth is plastered in a wide smile. I jump back a little, taken aback by her sudden appearance. Loki is not in the slightest surprised, he steps forward and starts explaining his arrival.

"Elizibeth, a pleasure to see you again, I need a favor." He says bluntly. I collect myself, unable to tear my eyes off of The Enchantress. Her smile fades quickly as her gaze transfers to me, ignoring Loki and staring with a growing hate at me. I freak out, feeling my cheeks turn red with embarrassment. I look to Loki, silently pleading help from this strange introduction.

"You are one of them, aren't you?" She asks, her voice filled with a smooth accent. My mind runs wild, thinking of anything she could use against me. It must be my eyes, I realize, Loki left them silver! Then, I think of how Loki stood up for my honor earlier that morning.

"Yes, I am one of 'them', and I am proud, do you have a problem with my heritage? If you do, please, we can calmly discuss why you are a colossal buzzard for discriminating me." I hiss, crossing my arms.She raises her slim eyebrow, then sneers as she turns her attention to Loki.

"So, darling, how have you been all these years? Getting into all sorts of trouble, I assume?" She purrs, running her slim hand over his jacketed chest. I blink, waiting for Loki to sever her arm and/or turn her into some form of reptile. He takes mercy, much to my surprise, simply removing her hand and stepping away.

"You have stayed the same, Elizibeth. I need a favor, and it is rather urgent, can we please get on with it and skip the formalities?" Loki scoffs, sending me an annoyed look.

"Well then, what do you need that is so important, hm? Clearly I am not worth any of your time." She frowns mockingly and adjusts her skimpy outfit. I watch with a sour expression, her conscious effort to appear seducing was gathering a sickness in my stomach. I could tell Loki was interested on some level, his eyes kept traveling up her body, resting his gaze on her hips or chest.

"Do not be ridiculous, you are- were a dear friend of mine, and you should be honored I came to you for help." Loki argues halfheartedly. I stand silently, glaring at The Enchantress. Something about her just got on my nerves, may it be the way she treated me or the way she flaunts herself allover the place.

Her fake frown quickly turns to a smile, showing gleaming white teeth. She flips her white blonde hair and half steps closer to Loki.

"Really, I thought you had forgot all about me due to what..." She side eyes me, "Happened, last time you visited me?"

Now she made my blood boil. Why was she wasting time when she could clearly see we were in a hurry? She is just so disturbingly alluring that I want to claw her eyes out. It is not jealousy, I can assure you that. I hate her, for the quick moment I have observed her.

"I need you to take this bracelet off of me." He cuts, ignoring her rather suspicious comment. I wonder what 'happened' between them. Loki told me they used to be together, but being Loki, he didn't give much detail to it. They were probably some fast and hot fling, gathering from her short attention span and flirtatious personality.

"Ooh, it that all you want?" She whispers, blinking slow. She must have forgotten I was even there, the way she is practically hanging off of him. I have had enough, she needs to stop.

"Alright, Elizibeth, it is time to cut the crap. Take the bracelet off of Loki so we can go, I have a feeling we will not get along much longer before one of us ends the other. And telling from the way you are acting, I'm not going to be the one laying cold on the ground." I threaten, my knuckles turning white before I realize I have been clenching my fists. She cocks her head, like a confused dog, and bites her lip.

"And just for that, I am not going to take off the bracelet today." She hums happily, not taking her eyes off of Loki. I hang my mouth open, how much is it going to take before she snaps?

"No, take it off now." Loki persuades, shooting me a death glare. Elizibeth laughs highly, sending spines into my ears.

"Why don't you beg?" She smiles. staring in disbelief, I shake my head and grab her arm, turning her attention away from Loki. My thoughts are clouded as I do so, filled with hate.

I pin her up against the door, holding her arms behind her back. I kick in her knees, and she falls at my feet. I lean in and whisper in her ear, "Take the bracelet, stop climbing over Loki, and show some respect before I hang you with your intestines."

She stands up, blinking quickly and avoiding eye contact. Good, I made her fear me. She flips her hair again, this time pouting while jutting out her bottom lip. She looks to Loki for reassurance, but he is trying to hide a smile, raising an eyebrow proudly at me. I cross my arms and sift so I am overlooking the classy country town.

Looking away was my almost fetal mistake, Elizibeth lurches at me, her magic producing a hold on my throat, slowly trying to choke the life out of me. I claw at my throat, trying not to get scared, If you get scared, your heart speeds up, which means you need more oxygen in your system, so you try to breath faster. If I stay calm, I can work to escape.

It isn't working.

I frantically try to start breathing again, but the situation being her using magic to strangle me, I can't remove the actual inflicting attacker. She has a devilish look on her face, squeezing the life out of me. I hear Loki screaming something at her, I can't tell what, because blood is filling my ears, threatening my consciousness.

She grows bored of me, rolling her eyes as she releases her manicured fist from the air. I collapse, gasping for air while multicolored spots cover my vision. Loki kneels beside me and stops me from crashing to the concrete ground. I close my eyes tight, trying to eliminate the violent throbbing in my skull. My shoulders shake as I pull my hands to my throat, feeling as if to check it was still there. I can feel her magic swirling angrily around my head, a cloud of noxious gas still trying to suffocate me.

I faintly hear Loki scolding Elizibeth, saying we should not have overreacted at each other. While that is true, I feel she took it over the top with actually trying to kill me. But I maybe should not have opened my mouth in the first place, let her and Loki work out a deal.

Trying to sit up, I ignore Elizibeth's complaining and turn to Loki.

"I- I'm sorry I made a scene, I sh- should have left you and her alone." I stutter an apology, getting a sad frown in return.

"No, it's fine, she was getting on both of our nerves, you were the only one to put her in her place. Now take it slow, she could have killed you with that spell." He says quietly, helping me up. I smile shyly, silently thanking him. He nods understandingly and turns to Elizibeth, his face twisting into a scowl.

"Elizibeth, if you could?" He asks harshly. She raises her thin eyebrow again, an "Are you kidding me?" look on her flawless face. But when she notices us both glaring murderously at her, she flicks her wrist, the golden cuff melting off of Loki's arm. He mutters a thank you and offers his hand to me. With no consideration of what it means, I take it.

What could possibly go wrong?

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