11: Implicit Demand for Proof (edited)

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"where'd she go?!!?" Tony yelled as he opened the glass casing, he walked around inside it arms out thinking she'd just turned invisible but, just his luck, there was nothing. The rest spread out into the rest of the house, thinking she'd escaped to somewhere in the house but there was no sign of her anywhere around.

"Did anyone get a sample of the cloud?" Natasha asked once they'd all gathered back to the living room.

"I did," Jimin said raising his hand.

"How?" Taehyung asked, shocked that his friend was able to obtain a little bit of something that could help them.

"When Tony went into the cage a little bit left floated out and I caught some in a jar," Jimin replied shrugging.

"Can you give it to me Jimin? I'd like to run a few tests on it?", Jimin nodded and handed her the jar that held the black cloud. Natasha opened up her bag and took out supplies she'd use to test the cloud, "you all go out to look for her, I'll be here with Tony"

BTS nodded and left the building with Chris, Bruce was too lazy to go out, and they split up to look around the city of Seoul or even the strange place that Chae lived in.

Jin, Yoongi, Chris, and Namjoon were going to be looking around the strange area of Seoul while Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung would be looking around Seoul.

*time skip because I'm feeling lazy*

Both groups had searched everywhere and were losing hope. Where could she have gone? Saddened, they returned to the flat where Natasha and Tony were, Tony looked pissed and Natasha was cleaning up her supplies.

"What's up with you Tony?" Jungkook asked looking over at the grown man who looked like he'd just been denied ice cream.

"I just told him everything he did wrong yet he can't accept the truth. This was all his fault, no one can deny that" Natasha commented after returning to the living room. Tony just groaned and covered his face with his hands, deep in thought.

"Find anything with the black cloud?" Yoongi asked directing attention to Natasha.

"Yes, in fact, I did find some things. And some information that might help us find out where CH went." Everyone looked at her, anticipating what the news was. "First off, staring at me like that is a little creepy looking, second you might wanna prepare for some stuff because it's a lot."

"Okay, okay, can you please explain what you're on about?" Namjoon said impatiently.

"Okay, well. She's around here right now, listening in on what we're saying at the moment, that's why you can't find her and where she went. She's in another dimension, I guess you could say, but she is able to see us and hear us but we are unable to see her. There is a way we can find her but we may need to ask out Stephen Strange to help one of us to get there because we aren't able to have more than a certain number of people there or someone will get stuck. Strange is on the way now, so anyone who wants to go can, but make sure you're safe." Just as Natasha finished her speech, the doorbell rang. Chris opened up the door and was greeted by a tall man who seemed to be a doctor.

"You called me Tasha?" he asked as he smiled over at the woman.

"Ahh, yes thank you, Stephen! By the way, Bantan, this is Stephen Strange aka-"

"Dr. Strange" Jin murmured accidentally interrupting Natasha who just laughed at the wonder in Jin's voice.

"Ahh, I see some of you may know me, well hello. I hope we solve this issue and are able to get your friend back" Strange said smiling.

"Thank you for coming Stephen, we have a friend who's put herself in another dimension and we were hoping you'd be able to help us out."

"Of course, I just need to know who's going in and then we can begin"

To that, Jungkook voluntered himself to do it, he was determined to find his friend and try to convince her to come back. The others looked at each other questioningly but soon agreed to let him do it, they wouldn't have been able to stop him anyway, so why not let him?

"All right, Jungkook, I'm going to give you an interdimensional radar that will be able to track where you are. On the side, there is something that'll call me when you find her so I can help you both get out of the place. When the time has come for you both to leave, once I've done my job you should be able to see a bright light, that's the exit. Got it?"

Jungkook nodded, he was prepared for anything he'd come across, he was ready to help out his friend. With that, a purple portal appeared and Jungkook was given the signal that it was sturdy enough for him to go in. He turned around and waved to the others, sending them a confident smile.

"I'll be back with Chae, don't worry"

With that, he entered the portal prepared for anything.

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