9: Golden (edited)

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"Taehyung, nice shot!" Namjoon exclaimed. The rest of BTS entered the room and looked around to see Tony tied up to a chair and the rest looking in shock.

"I had a feeling something bad was going to happen... so we sort of followed you. But don't worry, we really didn't pay attention to anything you were saying because we honestly didn't care Then we heard commotion in here so I decided to be the hero, and I was, and I got her down. Anyway, you wanted to put her somewhere, correct?" Taehyung said as he observed the room and proudly stated what he'd done, "but first we need to get Tony out of those ropes!"

Namjoon and Jin walked over to where Tony was sitting in the chair tied up and, thanks to the God of Destruction aka Namjoon, the rope was easily removed from Stark's arms and legs. Once free, Tony reached to the tape covering his mouth and ripped it off, flinching a bit from the pain.

"Okay, so I know a place we can put her for now. The only thing is it doesn't take away anything she can do so she does still have her abilities but they don't go outside of the plexiglass. Hopefully, she'll run herself down after trying and calm down a bit so we can talk." Tony said Natasha rolled her eyes, pissed.

"Suga, Jungkook can you both pick her up so we can transport her?" Chris said. The two nodded and walked over to the girl lying limp on the floor.

"So is this really the Chae from school?" Yoongi asked as he and Jungkook lifted her up, Jungkook nodded. The rest of Bangtan overheard Yoongi's question and they looked at each other, blown away about how such a small girl could cause so much damage. Yoongi was holding her torso while Jungkook held her legs, she was surprisingly light but they guessed it was because of her height, they walked towards the exit and left the building holding the girl. The thing that hit her was supposed to knock her out for a few hours so they had enough time to get her to location without her waking up.

*Time skip to when they got to location cause I'm lazy*

The whole ride to where Stark had told him, she didn't move a muscle and that caused them to get a little nervous but decided against worrying too much in case anything occurred. After a short drive they arrived to the location and entered the building, they walked down a flight of steps and dicovered Tony there leaning against a bulletproof, plexiglass room. The floor was proofed cushion so in case she tried anything she wouldn't injure herself too much and the glass seemed to not be there it was so clean. Jungkook was holding Chae in his arms from the car ride so he was the one who (reluctanty) placed her in, he couldn't get over the intense guilt he had for doing that but he had to keep reapeating it was for her own safety. Once Jungkook was out of the room, Tony closed the door and locked it from the outside so she wouldn't be able to escape it anytime soon.

"Should we get food?" Bruce interrupted the silence.

"I can order some things, any suggestions?" Tony said checking his watch.

"Just get food from different places so we have a variety," Jimin said.

"Alright, I'll just order from the places around"

Tony exited the room leaving Bangtan, Natasha, Chris, and Bruce in the room that held the cage that held Chae. She was still lying on the ground unconscious, they all had guilt except Tony. Tony just wanted eeryone to be safe but no matter what she was still human... somewhat.

*Time skip to the food arriving*

The eleven people sat in the room, eating they decided that they should save some for Chae because she needed nutrition. In that time, they discussed everything about what they knew on Chae and her personality and what she did. BTS found out that she did in fact do things with music like BTS, she wrote, produced, and, very rarely, rapped. She was mulitalented and enjoyed the music arts, that was the reason she was attending Seoul's top art school.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a bang from the case rang out and there stood Chae. She looked into each and everyone of their eye, with utter rage showing. They all had never seen her so pissed in the time they'd known each other.

The realized that maybe putting her there was a mistake because as time progressed her once dark, dark, dark, almost black, eyes began to turn red. She looked ready to murder anyone who came in her way.

With that, they checked off a new ability she had... demonic energy.

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