2: Maybe IDK (edited)

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Chae left the cafe, she was tired of always being bothered by those 7 idiots, they'd always do their absolute best to anger her, and it worked she just never showed it. She hated the idea of being vulnerable in front of others. As she was leaving, she heard someone yelling her name but each time she heard it, she'd turn the volume up one more on her phone to block it out but the voice continued to get closer and closer so she gave up before bursting her eardrums to 'Super Fade' by Fall Out Boy. 

She turned around to face who was yelling at her and was surprised by Jeon Jungkook who was only a little ways away from her. She looked at him with and bored look on her face to show that she really didn't want to be bothered but he ignored that. 

"Where're you going" 


"You're going somewhere, you just left the cafe" 

"Doesn't mean I'm going anywhere." 

"Can I ask you something? Then I'll leave you alone"


"Alright, I'll ask anyway. Umm.. do you want to hang out with the rest of us?" 

As he was asking her the question, the rest of BTS appeared behind him and gave her looks of pleading and hoping she'll answer. 


She was skeptical, the last time she was asked to 'hang out' with anyone it ended badly and by that she was shoved into a lake and almost drowned by the people she thought were her 'friends' but that was a lie. That was back when she was in Australia for the short time she visited Sydney. She had lived in Tokyo for 5 years then moved to Sydney and lived there for 6 years following that event she moved to Seoul and here she was.

"I don't know, you just seem like you need to be around some people" 

"I'm fine, thank you." 

With that, she left them and made her way to wherever her feet took her. 


They watched her leave and they were a little disappointed that she refused their offer. 

"Well that was a failure,"  Yoongi said sarcastically.

"I don't know, something seems off about her just now. She looked hurt for some reason" Namjoon commented skeptically. 

"What do you mean hyung? I just asked if she wanted to hang out with us but she refused and no one usually would refuse an offer like that" 

"JK is right... waiiitttt..." 

"What is it Tae?" 

"Chae probably doesn't trust us... I mean we do always mess around with her every day..." 

"Tae's got a point, we do always mess around with her but she never seems bothered by it, think she is?" Jimin said beginning to feel a little bad. He knew that Kookie was especially disappointed because he had a crush on her and he was extra heartbroken when she refused their offer. 

"Can we try to gain her trust back? Maybe we could invite her to eat with us at lunch!" Jungkook was starting to get excited about the idea of gaining her trust back. 

*Time skip to the next school day, still BTS POV*

"Guys, I just realized something.." Hoseok said worriedly

"What is it J?" Jin said a little nervous about what Hoseok was about to say.

"She doesn't eat in the canteen..."

"Oh yeah... we can try anyway!" Jungkook was a little worried but he didn't want his hopes crushed too soon. He really wanted to get to know Chae more and make her feel welcome in their group. 

They reached the canteen and waited outside of the door watching the halls for the girl. After about 5 minutes of waiting they were getting a little nervous, she wasn't coming by that way so they split up to look around the school. They knew that she was in the school because they shared the same classes with her and she was in all of them but never paid attention, she just stared out of the window with her earbuds in her ears listening to whatever was playing. 

Whenever they observed her, there were times when she'd speak she'd form a small look of nervousness on her face but it wasn't that visible to people and they had no idea what it could be that made her that way. She always wore fall/winter clothes too as if hiding something and she never wore any skirts or dresses so anytime they'd dress up she wore a suit. When she did that the teachers gave her looks of disgust but never said anything to her about it because for some reason people were scared of her. She seemed peaceful. 

Bangtan Messagess: 

JKookie: Taehyung hyung, Jimin hyung and I found her, she's outside under a tree towards the back of the school

G.O.D.: Hope and I will be there in a sec

Napper: Jin hyung and I see you so we're on the way

They all met up where Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin had told them and began to approach the girl who was lazily leaning against the tree. 

"You 7 need anything?" 

(A/N: I'll try to update more during the week, if not I sincerely apologize! Hope you enjoyed!)

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