"Theres always a wild side to an innocent face"

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The vehicle pulled into the old dusty drive way of the Rockbells beloved country home and out poured Edward, Winry, Alphonse, Lieutenant Hawkeye and Colonel Mustang.

"Just like old times hey brother" Alphonse whispered too Edward as they walked towards the porch.

Edward smiled at Al's remark. Thinking back too his state Alchemist days. Honestly he did miss it all, but right now wasn't the time for old get togethers. They had a job to do.

Winry opened the door and called out to granny Pinako, informing her that they had visitors which if course was alright with Pinako. And then innocence walked in.

As soon as she caught glance of Roy and Riza she bolted out the back and into the kitchen, escaping out through the back door. But Roy was already hot on her heels.

"Hey wait!" Edward yelled out, running after the two with Alphonse close behind him. Leaving Winry with the pregnant lieutenant.

Innocence was far ahead of them, running as fast as her legs could carry her. But Roy was no idiot. Before long a large ring of fire had formed around innocence. Trapping her there.

"Thought you could get away didn't you, you pathetic excuse of a creation" Roy spat at the girl.

Ed came up behind Roy. "Hey what's going on?" He questioned the flame Alchemist.

"You shouldn't of trusted her Fullmetal, she's bad news" Roy said, shaking his head.

"I'll trap her in stone" Alphonse said as he clapped his hands together.

But he was too late.

The mysterious girl had escaped, jumping straight through the ring of fire as if it were only water and landing on top of Edward. pinning him down to the ground.

"Hey what the -!" Edward yelled, trying his hardest to push the girl off of him but to no avail.

"Fullmetal watch it! She's more dangerous then you could imagine" Roy yelled. Backing away slowly.

Edward turned his head to the girl who was growling and thrashing out at him. Her eyes had turned a yellowish colour and her teeth a pointed fang like shape. Although she was highly agitated and pissed off, there was also a hint of fear in her evil eyes.

"Innocence don't you dare hurt that boy!" Roy yelled in a threatening tone.

"Colonel what are we going to do!? She'll rip Edward too pieces!" Alphonse yelled at Roy. They were obviously bewildered by the situation.

Edward struggled to keep innocences claws from digging in too his flesh, kicking at her and shielding his face. But unfortunately she managed to get one good whack at Ed's cheek, leaving a bloody cut there.

Roy shot a big ball of flame at the beast which pushed her off of Edward. Edward rolled away and jumped up as quick as he could. The girl shook the flames off of herself and growled at them. Her black cloak had fallen off and was replaced with two fury wolf ears amongst her red locks. And a big bushy red tail too. But she looked anything but cute and fluffy.

"What the hell?" Edward stuttered too himself. He gave a sideways glance at Alphonse who was just as confused as Ed was.

"Innocence we just want too talk ok? We're not going to harm you" Roy said slowly. Obviously trying to reason with the....thing.

Innocence just growled loudly at Roy and prepared herself too pounce onto Roy. Which she would have done successfully. If not for Riza that is.

Riza shot a tranquilliser at the girl, sending her into a panic, followed by a deep sleep.

"Oh Roy your just not on your A-game today are you?" Riza smirked.

Roy shook his head and walked over to me and Al. "Thanks for the help Elric brothers, I'll take it from here." He said, kneeling down at the girl who now looked human again.

"Wait wait wait what?" Edward exclaimed. "What the hell just happened. A-and who is she?" A very flustered Edward said, pointing to the sleeping girl.

"It's none of your concern Fullmetal now let me do my job" Roy said sternly.

Edward was about to talk back until Riza placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down Fullmetal, I'll explain everything" Riza said, leading Ed and Al back too the house.

Ed sat at the table, holding Winrys hand and waiting for Riza to explain what had just happened.

"Ok Edward I'm going to be frank with you" Riza said. "Innocence is not human which by now is obvious. But she used to be."

"Used to be? What do you mean by that?" Edward questioned.

"What I mean is she was human, but a man by the name of Toby did some pretty horrible things to some pretty innocent people" Riza said, a sad expression had formed on her face.

"So this 'Toby' guy, is he the one who attacked her In the market place?" Edward asked.

"We believe so, but so far we haven't been able to locate him" Riza said.

"So what? Are we gonna get this guy or sit here twitterling our thumbs?" Edward stated, standing up from his chair.

"Fullmetal this is not your case, I've already told you too much and your too stay out if this. Your not a state alchemist anymore." Riza said sternly, looking Edward dead in the eye.

Edward stared back. He was both angry and humiliated. But the Lieutenant was right, he wasn't a state Alchemist anymore. He wasn't even a alchemist anymore.

"Lieutenant you ready to leave?" Roy asked, walking into the room and grabbing his keys.

Riza nodded her head and stood up, giving Edward a stern look.

"Well it was great to see you two again" Winry smiled, hugging Riza as they walked out the door.

"Always a pleasure Winry" Riza smiled warmly. Saying goodbye to the brothers and Winry.

"Oh lieutenant how far along are you?" Winry called.

"I have five weeks to go" Riza smiled, holding her swollen stomach as she got into the car.

Edward leaned up against the door frame and stared at the two former partners. He could see the girl locked in the back of the car. Still asleep. Edward was obviously not happy about being in the dark like this.

As the lieutenant and colonel drove off into the sunset Edward headed up the staircase and into his bedroom, collapsing onto his bed. Ed slowly lifted his hand to the throbbing scar on his face which had thankfully stopped bleeding.

Being useless in a situation really annoyed Edward. And being lied too annoyed Edward even more too the point were he was generally pissed off.

Edward cussed under his breath. Frustrated and tired he just didn't want too put up with anything or anyone.

And that's when Winry walked in.

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