"Welcome home boys!"

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It had been so long since Edward had seen the old welcoming front door to the only home he had left. And finally standing there with his younger brothers body restored and his own arm restored, he was extra excited about his return. But what made the occasion all the more wonderful was that he would see Winry again.

He hadn't seen her for so long and now he was only meters away from her, it gave him butterfly's in his stomach.

"Wait up brother!" Yelled Alphonse as he ran up the drive way trying to catch up to Ed, who was already at the front door.

Al came charging up the front steps, unable to stop his legs and fell through the door. Granny Pinacko was the first to come to the door to see what all the noise was about. When she laid eyes on them, the look that came to her face was one of contempt and happiness. "welcome home" she said as she took a puff of her pipe.

"Glad to be home." Said Edward while he helped al back onto his feet.

Al still wasn't completely used to his body so Ed needed to help him occasionally. And then the moment Ed had been waiting for finally arrived.

Winry came down the staircase dressed in her work overalls and black crop top looking as beautiful as ever. Her gorgeous blonde hair was laying on each side of her shoulders and there was a smudge of grease on her cheek. She looked so casual yet so amazing. She looked from me to Al and showed a puzzled look that was soon replaced with emence delight. She jumped three steps at a time and leaped right off the bottom step and wrapped her arms around me and al and held us tight. Ed placed his arm around her and hugged back. I could feel her crying quietly into my shoulder but I could feel it was tears of joy and relief.

"I thought you would never come home" she said into Ed's shoulder.

"I said I'd be back didn't I?" Said Ed as he lifted her head so he could look into her eyes, her beautiful blue eyes.

She smiled and wiped her tears away. She turned to Al and delightfully Started talking to him about how he got his body back and how he wanted her to cook up an apple pie for dessert and what not.

Edward took this time to walk up to the spare room and put down his case. He was pleased to be back home but something was nagging at him, makeing Edward feel upset and worried. And He knew what it was. Edward had to loose his alchemy to bring his brothers body back. He definitely didn't regret the decision and having Al back was all he could ask for, but what would Winry think?

He knew it probably wasn't important but it worried him to think about how she would react. Would she be less attracted to him? Is she even attracted to him?

Edward suddenly realised what he was thinking and quickly shook the thought out of his mind. It was true Edward loved Winry. He has loved her ever since they were kids. But he had never told her so and he kept it to himself. Why would Winry even love him back?

He was always away and they hardly ever spent time with each other. Al walked through the door, interrupting Eds thoughts and sat down next to him.

"Hey, nice to be back home isn't it?" Ed said with a smile to hide his worries.

"Yeah it is" said Alphonse.

"Later I think we should go down to the river where we used to play." Edward thought about this and decided it was a good idea.

The sun was shining and there was a refreshing breeze out side so a nice walk down to the river would do him good and clear his head.

"Yeah that's a great idea" said Ed. He got up from the bed and grabbed his coat, pulling Al up off the bed as well.

They walked out of the room together only to be greeted by the glaring, angry eyes of winry. she was clearly not happy.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Fullmetal." Said winry while she set her glaring eyes on him.

She looked so cute when she was angry.

"We got al's body back didn't we? There's nothing else to explain" said Ed, trying not to start an argument with her.

"Well that's pretty obvious isn't it"? Winry said stubbornly.

"I think I should let you two talk and work things out" said Al as he tried to sneak past Winry and leave the conversation, but Winry was too quick and smacked him over the head with her trusty wrench.

"Oh no you don't" she said and pushed Al back onto the bed.

While this was happening, Edward had some time to plan out how he was going to explain to winry how he lost his alchemy powers.

Winry could see the sad and worried look on his face and calmed down a little.

"How did you restore Alphones body"? She asked, eyes looking into his.

"We'll uh..with alchemy of course" Ed stuttered. "Why are you so angry about it?" He said.

"Because I feel weird about it, and you seem very different" said Winry

Alphonse got up and placed a hand on Edwards shoulder. "She needs to know Ed" he said in a serious tone.

"Know what?" Winry said, looking from Al too Ed. Edward sighed and looked down at his feet. "Ok ill tell you" He finally said.

The Fullmetal FatherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora