"God damn it Alphonse"

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The fresh morning sun shone down on Edward, making him squirm and awaken from his deep peaceful sleep. Edward looked around for a minute. Still dazed and confused until he laid his tired eyes on Winry who was still sound asleep next to him. Edwards smiled at his lady and kissed her on the cheek.

Winry smiled and rolled over, looking up an Edward.

"Morning baby" Edward whispered, moving the strands of hair which had fallen over Winrys eyes.

"Hmmm morning" Winry murmured, shielding the light out of her eyes.

Edward smiled and shivered. It was fresh in the morning and Ed only now realised that they were both undressed and away from home. And if Granny Pinako woke up too find them both missing....Oh Edward could only imagine what Pinako could do with a wrench.

"Uh Winry I think we should be getting home now" Edward said nervously. Winry stared at Ed for a while, confused. But as last night flashed in her mind she soon realised what he was talking about.

"Oh gosh we need to go, now!" Winry squealed and started to get dressed, chucking clothes at Edward in the process.

"Aww but you looked so cute before Winry" Edward smirked, pulling his pants up. Winry glared at Edward and tripped him over as she stormed off.

"Hey I was just joking Winry come back!" Edward yelled out to the obviously pissed off Winry. Ed picked himself up off the ground and ran towards Winry.

They both ran over the hillside and made it too the house in record time. Thank god it was still pretty early in the morning, Pinako and Alphonse will most likely still be asleep.

Edward and Winry creeped around the side of the house and to the front door and carefully turned the door handle, walking into the dimly lit hallway.

"I think were safe" Edward whispered, looking around the corner into the living room.

He spoke too soon.

There Alphonse sat in his armchair, staring off into the distance. He turned around slowly and focused his attention on Winry and Edward who stood frozen in the living room entrance.

"Oh hello there" Alphonse said sweetly, as if it was normal to find Winry and Ed creep into the house at 5 in the morning.

"Uh mornin Al" Edward said awkwardly, side glancing at Winry.

They stood like that for a while. Not really sure what to do in this situation. It was clear to Edward that Al knew exactly what they were doing yet Al looked as uncomfortable as they did.

"Uh I'm gonna take a shower" Winry said quickly and half walk half stumbled up the staircase. Leaving Edward alone with Alphonse

"So um what's up Al"? Edward asked, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Um not much I guess, just woke up" Alphonse stated. He stood up slowly and walked over to Ed. Stopping In front of him.

The awkwardness between them was....awkward.

"So you slept with Winry I'm guessing?" Alphonse said casually, making Edward stiffen and blush heavily.

"I uh no what? Hey wait I yeah" Edward stumbled, finally admitting to Alphonse.

"Haha wow Edward, guess your not so much of a pipsqueak now" Alphonse laughed, skipping up the stairs.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A FRIDGET LITTLE SHORT ASS!" Edward yelled after Alphonse. Trudging up the staircase.

If only Edward knew what he had gotten himself into.

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