"Fire in those eyes"

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"Ahhh isn't the fresh air nice" Winry stated as she looked up at the sky, arms stretched out wide.

Edward trudged passed her and shrugged. "It's air, don't get too excited about it" he said.

Winry just frowned at Edward while Alphonse laughed at the young couple. They were walking down the old dirt road towards the market. It was a warm day with a cool breeze, limited number of small fluffy clouds hanging in the sky and annoying little insects buzzing around everywhere. Although it was nice too get out off the house.

Winry came up behind Edward and whispered in his ear. "When are we going to tell Alphones?" She whispered. Ed looked at Al who was blissfully skipping out in front of them, not a care in the world.

Edward frowned and looked over at Winry. "I suppose he should know" Ed said.

Winry nodded and intertwined her hand with Edwards. He looked at her and smiled as she smiled back at him.

"So what do we need to g-" Al stopped mid sentence as he turned around too see Edward and Winry holding hands. They both froze and blushed about fifty shades of red. They both let each other go and acted as if nothing happened. Al was very much confused by this.

"Ahh ok then" he said slowly and awkwardly. Edward looked at Winry and smiled, trying too make light of the issue. She smiled back at him and that made him feel a whole lot better


They arrived at the market and of course they had too get Pinakos supplies first before they could shopped for themselves. The market was an abundance of family's doing there daily erands, elderly shopping or selling there goods and children running in between there parents feet and making havoc.

"Ok I'll go get food and you two can get her some more tobacco" Winry said too Ed and Al, before they could argue she darted off too a vegetable stall. Ed and Al looked at each other awkwardly.

"So shall we go?" He asked Al awkwardly. Edward knew why Winry had left the two alone together, she wanted Edward to explain what had happened earlier today. She really was a clever little pain sometimes.

They both found the small little stall that sold Pinakos tobacco. The brothers brought it and sat in the shade, waiting for Winry.

"So may I ask how long you and Winry have been dating for?" Al asked ed with a smirk.

He froze. "Ummm w-what are you talking about?" Ed tried to say casually but it didn't sound right.

"Edward I'm not dumb, I knew you liked her even before you did. It was so obvious" Alphons said with a smile.

He gave In. "Yeah alright fine, you win" he sighed. "We've been dating for two days" Ed mumbled.

Al smiled and slapped him on the back. "I'm proud of you brother" he said.

Winry walked up too the brothers with her bags and smiled. "Alright now we can shop" she laughed.

Al and Ed both stood up and started too head off, that's when they heard it. A loud scream coming from the top story of a small house. Ed looked at Al and Al nodded his head, they both headed for the house to find out what was going on. Edward turned around to smile at Winry, letting her know that everything was going to be ok. She smiled back, yet Ed could see the concern dwelling in her eyes.

Edward jumped up the stares and they barged into the first room they found. But there was nothing but a bed and shelf. The brothers heard the second scream which came from right next door. Al got too the room first, where he found a dark clocked figure holding a young red haired lady up against a wall. Al was the first too react, transmuting a large object out of the wall, nocking the man onto his back.

"Ed get the girl, I'll handle him" Al yelled too his brother, nocking the man down a second time.

Edward turned towards the young woman who was now cradled against the wall, face showing an expression of pure terror. He caught a quick glance at her eyes and for that one split second, Edward found himself trapped in her gaze. Her perfectly deadly looking eyes, a bright yet glistening flame in them. As if there was a wild fire incased in her, trying to break free. That split second felt like an eternity.

Ed shook away from her gaze and kneeled down too scoop her up in his arms. She flinched a little, but with a reassuring "its ok" she wrapped her arms around his neck and He lifted her up in his arms. She was surprisingly light.

"Ed get out of here now! It's ok I got him!" Al yelled over too Ed before encasing the man in an alchemy cage, but amazingly the man broke free.

Edward frowned at Al but He knew He had too leave with the girl. Ed raced down the stares with the girl burrowing her face into his shoulder. He burst through the door and found Winry waiting for him. As soon as she caught sight of Ed she sighed in relief.

"Oh gosh Ed what's happening? who's this?" Winry asked as she ran towards him.

"No idea, we found her in the building, i think she's been attacked" Edward puffed, trying too get air into his lungs.

"Well where's Al?" Winry asked. And that's when the building collapsed in a huge blast coming from the top story.

Edward shielded Winry and the girl from the dust and rubble of the blast, looking around for a sight of Al or the man. And with another huge blast Al escaped and ran towards us before collapsing at his brothers feet.

"Al are you ok? Where's the guy?" Ed asked.

After a couple of coughs and splatters, Al answered him with "I don't know Ed, I think he escaped."

Edward sighed and looked down at the fragile girl in his arms. Her eyes....He'll never forget thoughs eyes.

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