"Dont call it a fight, when you know its a war"

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Siting before Edward was the largest, juiciest, most mouth-watering plate of lamb steak that Edward had ever seen in his life. He gawked at it for about 5 minutes before Winry had too snap her fingers in front of his face to drag him back down too earth.

"It's. So. Big." Edward exclaimed slowly.

"That's what she said" Winry laughed under her breath as she took a fork full of her meat and popped it into her mouth.

Edward glared at Winry before he started eating. But Winry only smiled teasingly at the boy.

They both ate in silence for a while, making faces at each other and kicking each other under the table. All tho they both where about to become parents, they were still very immature.


"Egh I'm so full" Edward exclaimed, leaning back on his chair and pushing his empty plate back.

"Yea me too, I think I ate too much" Winry exclaimed. She gave a little burp and blushed.

Edward smiled warmly at her and laughed.

"Um...thank you Edward. I really enjoyed tonight." Winry said.

Edward gave Winry a lazy smile and kissed her cheek. "Don't mention it" Ed replied.

The two stood up from there table and paid the bill.
"Enjoy the rest of your night" The waiter said to the couple with a slightly cheeky smirk on his face. As if he knew exactly what was going to happen when they got home.

"Uh yea w-will do" Edward stuttered nervously to the waiter while Winry looked down at her feet with a deep blush on her cheeks.

They walked out of the door into the damp, miserable night air.

"Oh look it's raining pretty hard" Winry exclaimed, holding her hand out too catch the hammering droplets of water.

Edward placed his arm around Winry and called out for a taxi. "Don't worry babe, I'll warm you up when we get home" Edward smirked.

Next minute Edward was crouched over in pain on the footpath.

"Owwww! Winry what the hell!? Who even brings a wrench to a restaurant!?" Edward exclaimed.

"Oh just another hand bag necessity" Winry said with an evil smirk on her face as she got into the taxi.

"Egh hey wait for me!" Edward grumbled before falling into the taxi as well.

As they both sat in the vehicle, Edward holding Winry in his arms, Edward got that bad feeling in his stomach. As if everything he had right now....was all about to end.


The taxi pulled up out the front of the old family home. It was still pouring down rain and the wind was stinging on bare skin. Edward glanced out the fogged up window only to find a dark, tall figure standing on the porch.

It was Mustang.

Edward shook Winry awake and helped her out of the car.

"E-Edward, why is Roy here?" Winry mumbled in her dazed state.

"I don't know baby, you just go on off to bed and I'll be there soon" Edward reassured Winry and kissed her cheek.

As Winry headed up the stairs, Edward turned around to see Colonel Mustang standing in the doorway, lieutenant Hawkeye siting on the bench on the porch.

Edward knew the Colonels presence wasn't a good sign.

"Fullmetal, we have a situation back at headquarters. I'm afraid we will need the assistance of you and Alphonse" Roy said sternly, looking both Ed and Al dead in the eye.

The two brothers looked at each other with concern.

"What's wrong at headquarters?" Alphonse asked.

"It's about that...creature...we took into custody a few weeks ago. Innocence" Roy said.

Edward frowned. "What is she exactly?" Ed asked.

Roy sighed and sat down on the old armchair in the living room. "Many years ago, during the Ishvalan civil war there where...experiments...happening back at Central." Roy said.

"These 'experiments' were meant too help us defeat the enemy. But..." Roy trailed off.

"But?" Edward asked.

Roy turned to Edward and sighed heavily, looking down at his shoes. Almost as if he was ashamed. "We all thought it was a great idea, combining humans with wild creatures to make the ultimate weapon." Roy said.

Ed and Al both looked at Colonel Mustang in shock. "So y-you created chimeras? To fight in the war?" Alphonse asked in disbelief.

Roy turned to face Alphonse and shook his head. "No of course I didn't create them. I don't know who did exactly. I wasn't aware of that. But whoever it was...I can tell you they would feel horrible about it." Roy said sadly.

"Well then why is innocence still alive?! Why was she not destroyed!?" Edward questioned, squeezing his hands into fists.

"Fullmetal let Colonel Mustang finish!" Riza shot back at Edward, making Ed quiet.

Roy shuffled over too the couch and sat down glumly. "Egh well during the war they helped us greatly, killing many ishvalins and protecting us...but soon they started turning on us." Roy said.

Ed and Al walked over and sat in front of the Colonel. "So they started attacking the military?" Ed questioned.

"Not just the military, they would kill anyone who got in there way. It was truly horrifying." Roy said.

"But innocence was so....human. I've never seen a chimera act so civil" Alphonse said.

"Yes well innocence was different too the rest. The others where just animals. But innocence was very well trained. She had thought and feeling. It was truly remarkable science. But she was still just a tool, and we needed to destroy those tools. And it's not hard to say she wasn't very happy with that." Roy said.

"So she escaped?" Edward asked.

"Yes, she slaughter anyone who tried to capture her. That's why where here. Because we need your help to capture her...before anymore casualties fall in my hands." Roy said.

Edward leaned back on his armchair and frowned. He thought about the proposal and if there where innocent people being harmed by this creature. If that was the case then he would have to help. Edward was definitely not someone who was good at doing nothing. But with Winry pregnant it was not a good idea to leave. And Winry would definitely not be happy. They had just had this discussion only hours ago. But Edward knew what he had too do.

Edward sighed and stood up. "Well I have no idea why you would want me on the case, without my alchemy I'm useless. Why wouldn't Alphonse be enough?" Edward asked.

"Because innocence didn't kill you" Roy said bluntly.

Edward and Alphonse gave Roy a confused look.

"What the Colonel means is innocence didn't kill you Edward, back when she attacked you. Usually she would have torn any other person to shreds. But where hoping maybe she trusts you somehow." Riza stated, coming over and siting next too Roy.

Edward had a concerned look on his face.

"We understand if you decline Fullmetal, with Winry pregnant I'm sure it would be quite difficult to leave her at this time." Riza said kindly.

Edward thought about it. And thought. And thought. Finally he had come to a decision.

"Alright. I'll do it."

Roy gave a little half smile at the enthusiastic teen and stood up. "I appreciate having you two on the team." Roy said.

Edward went to shake the Colonels hand when they suddenly heard a thump from upstairs.

Winry had been listening into the conversation.

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