"The mobile that love made"

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The summer breeze swept over the hillside of Resembool, rocking the tree leaves side to side. It has been three weeks since little Ethan, the miracle baby was born. He sat on Winrys lap and played with the hem of her summer dress. Winry rocked back and forth slowly on her rocking chair on the porch. She felt the warm breeze on her face and breathed in the summer air. It was a beautiful day.

"No stupid you gotta flip them twice or they will burn!" Alphonse yelled at Edward as he pushed him out of the way of the BBQ.

"No you only flip them once so they cook right through you Mellon head!" Edward yelled back, stealing the meat flipper from Al.

"At least I'm bigger then a Mellon!" Al shot back


"Don't make me come over there you two!" Pinako called from the kitchen. The two boys shut there mouths and cooked in silence, occasionally glaring at each other.

Winry laughed and stroked Ethan's golden hair.

In celebration of Ethan's birth, the Elric's are holding a BBQ with all there many friends. Alphonse was nervous as hell about Mai coming over. Edward spent most of the day teasing him about it.

"Hey Al, where are we gonna catch you two love birds this time?" Edward nudged Al.

Al sighed, that's when he heard a high pitch teenage girl voice.

"How about your bedroom pipsqueak!"

It was Mai Chang of course.

Edwards face went bright red and Alphonse laughed uncontrollably.

"Ohh Edward need some water for that burn!" Granny Pinako called out.

Everyone was laughing, even Edward. Ethan giggled just because everyone else was laughing. It was a heart warming scene.

A vehicle pulled up in the drive way and out hoped Colonel Mustang and Lieutenant Hawkeye, holding a baby each. Looks like Riza had twins.

"What hilarious antics did we miss?" Roy smiled. Ed and Al had never seen him this happy.

"Just the usual Elric shenanigans Colonel" Winry smiled. She was still weak from Ethan's complicated birth, but she was soon getting healthier.

"Actually it's no longer Colonel" Roy beamed.

Edward and Alphonse looked at each other in shock.

"That's right! Your now looking at your new Fürer of Amestris!" Roy beamed. He had finally done it. All his years of fighting and working his ass of has finally paid of. He was finally Fürer. The Elric's couldn't be more happy for him.

"Oh great, who was the idiot who decided to give you more power?" Edward teased.

"Well young bean sprout I believe it was the citizens vote, and what your tongue around your superior" Roy said. His aurora of cocky attitude shone like the sun.

Riza handed a dark haired baby girl to Roy. He took the baby rather awkwardly in his hands and looked down at her little face. It was obvious to tell that the twins had inherited Roy's looks. It was also obvious to tell that Roy was extremely awkward with children.

Edward ignored Roy's comment and flipped his steak on the BBQ. Riza walked over to Winry and sat down besides her. They chatted away about breast feeding and mood swings and all the other female stuff that Roy and Edward steered clear away. So the two fathers ended up chatting with each other.

"So how's Ethan going?" Roy asked. Still awkwardly cradling his baby girl.

"Egh the usual, crying, pooping, sleeping and repeat" Edward joked, but it was easy to tell that Edward thought the world of Ethan. "Anyway what's this little ones name?"

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