"They call me innocence"

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Edward looked at the pale girl, confused and curious about who she was and who that man was. The girl was asleep on there couch. She has been out now for about three hours.

Winry walked into the room and put her hand on Ed's shoulder. "What are we going too do with her?" Winry asked as she sat down besides him.

Edward contemplated the question and frowned. "Well I guess we wait till she wakes up, question her and send her home when she's good and well." Ed said, placing his hand on Winrys knee.

Winry smiled at Edward and kissed his forehead. "well make sure you get some rest too, I'm going to help Pinako with dinner" Winry said as she left the room.

Edward smiled and watched her leave the room. His gaze drew back to the girl on his couch. Edward had the chance to survey her appearance.

She was about Winrys hight. Light pale and fine figure. Her hair was very long, about too her knees, thick and bright red in ringlets. A real red head. She was dressed in a long velvet black dress and black hood. She didn't appear too have any major injuries which was good, but Ed did notice a small scar just below her right eye.

As he examined her face Edward saw a little silver object hanging from her neck, it was tucked into her dress. Edward carefully kneeled down besides her and slowly reached his hand out to grab it. Just as He was about too touch it the girl awoke, grabbing Ed's arm and pulled him down too the ground.

Edward landed with a loud thump and found the girl pinning him down too the floor. Her face was shocked, frightened and angry.

"Uh I uh sorry" Edward stuttered, unsure what too do in this situation.

The girl looked at him sideways and blinked twice before she got off. Edward sat up and shook the dirt off of himself. He looked at the girl, her eyes a vibrant flame.

"So um I'm Edward, Edward Elric" Edward said awkwardly and reached his hand out too shake hers.

she looked at his hand for a while, unsure of what too do before she responded.

"Hello" she replied lightly, her voice soft yet piercing.

Edward looked at her and she looked back at him. They both looked at each other, not sure what to do. Safe to say it was profoundly awkward for them.

"So uh what's your name?" Edward tried to ask as casually as possible.

The girl narrowed her eyes at him which concerned him a little but she soon relaxed and answered Edward.

"They call me innocence" she said casually. Still eyeing Ed.

Edward slowly nodded, not breaking eye contact. He realised He was still on the floor. He stood up and held his hand out to help innocence up but before Edward knew it she was already standing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Innocence questioned me. That's when he realised He was staring and quickly averted his gaze elsewhere.

"Uh no reason, just curious. Why were you attacked by that man earlier?" Edward asked with caution. They did save her and bring her into there home so the least she could do is tell Edward what happened too her.

Innocence licked her lips and looked down at the ground. "I suppose you could say I had something he wanted to get his filthy hands on" she said with a hint of attitude in her voice. "But then you and your brother came in and took care of him, I guess I should thank you for that" she said and looked up at Ed, smile playing at her lips.

Edward smiled back. "Yeah no problem, your welcome to stay until your well enough to leave" He said.

Innocence nodded and sat back down on the couch, exhausted looking and most likely hungry. Edward headed off too the kitchen, still curious of the girl and what the man wanted from her. Something just didn't sit right with him. He frowned at his own concerned. But as soon as He laid eyes on Winry his worries melted away and He felt immensely happy.

"Hey Ed how's she doing?" Winry called to him while she chopped up vegetables.

"Yeah she will be alright, apparently her names innocence" Edward told winry as he pulled up a chair at the dinner table.

"Innocence? What kind of name is that?" She question me, still chopping tirelessly and the food.

"No idea, might be some kind of nick name she was given" Edward said, stretching his back and trying to relax. "Oh well let's not worry about it now, I'm too hungry too care" He laughed.

"Of course typical Edward, to hungry for anything" Winry laughed as she placed the chopped vegetables into a frying pan.

"Yeah well I guess I'm just too hungry for you Winry" Ed smirked. Next thing He knew Edward saw a flash of light and intense pain in his head. Winry had smacked Edward over the head with her trusty wrench.

"Don't be such a creepy pervert!" Winry yelled at Edward, failing to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"Hey I am not a pervert! And why the hell would you bring a wrench Into the kitchen!" Edward yelled back, holding his head in his arms.

It was just another typical day in the Rockbell household.

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