"Ethan Urey Elric"

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The night wore on painfully long. Winry fell in and out of consciousness many times. Edward never once let go of her hand, even when she didn't know he was there.

"Come on Winry I know you can do this" Edward said pleadingly.

Winry cried and shook her head. "Edward I c-can't" she cried.

Edward felt Winry's grip loosen. He started panicking.

"Winry, listen to me! You can do this. Baby I believe in you." Edward cried. Tears streaming down his face.

"Your so strong Winry. I know you are. Most of the time, I'm jealous of how brave you are. I know it's hard Winry but please....for the baby, our baby, that where going to raise together. Please Winry....I love you"

Edward bowed his head down and cried. He didn't know what else he could say to convince her to keep going. He felt so useless and pathetic, what kind of boyfriend would give up like this?

But then, Winry opened her eyes.

She lightly squeezed Edwards hand and smiled weakly.

"I love you to Edward" she whisperd.

Edward looked at her in shock, then a huge smile spread across his face, tears of joy streaming down his face.

"Winry dear, one final push okay" Granny said.

Winry squeezed her eyes shut and gave one final push. It was the hardest of them all. Edward squeezed her hand and kissed her forehead.

"It's almost over win, then we will be holding out little baby, don't give up" he pleaded.

Winry cried and cried, she pushed and pushed. And then...

*muffled baby cries*

Pinako held up a small healthy baby boy. He cried and cried, almost as noisy as Edward.

Edward and Winry looked at there little boy. There own baby son. He look just like Edward, except with bright blue eyes, just like his mothers. He was perfect in every way shape and form. Truly more magnificent then anything alchemy could ever create. And they had made him together. Edward was speechless.

Alphonse took the little baby and washed him, then handed him to Edward. Al looked just as amazed as Edward. "Here's your little boy big brother"

Edward carefully reached out his arms and took the baby. "But...I can't hold baby's" Ed stuttered.

Winry laughed softly and stroked his arm. "Just cradle him Edward" she smiled.

Edward swallowed hard and held the little boy. He looked down at him, his skin was warm and soft. He was wrapped in a fluffy blue blanket that Pinako made. He had soft blond hair just like Edward. He opened his bright blue eyes and looked up at Edward in awe. The same beautiful blue eyes that Edward first fell in love with. In every single way he was perfect.

"h-hey buddy, I'm your daddy" Edward said softly. He held his finger out and let the baby grab hold of it. Edward laughed and wiped away a tear.

"I think he likes you" Winry said softly. She was completely warn out and exhausted. But she smiled at her baby boy.

"Yea, I think so" He said. "I suppose his mother should hold him too"

Winry laughed and took the little baby in her hands, kissing his forehead. "Your so beautiful" she whispered. The baby stuck his tongue out. Alphonse laughed.

"What is his name going to be?" Al asked curiously.

Edward panicked. He forgot all about the name. "oh uh um....how about..."

"Ethan." Winry cut in.

"Ethan Uray Elric"

Edward smiled at Winry and nodded his head. "That's perfect. A perfect name for a perfect baby" he said.

The young lovers stayed there, holding there baby together. There little Ethan. and Edward knew, that of all the crazy, stuffed up, dangerous and amazing things he had done in his life, creating a family of his own was the greatest moment of his life. It was like bringing Alphonse's body back for the second time. Edward had made a lot of mistakes in his life time, trying to play god, putting his family in danger, just to name a few. But at this moment; while he held this new born baby in his arms with the girl of his dreams, it was as if none of that even mattered anymore. It was a new chapter of his life. A chapter he was ready for.

"Winry, thank you." Edward smiled.

Winry looked at Edward questionaly. "For what?"

Edward laughed softly and stroked Ethan's cheek.

"For never giving up on me"

The Fullmetal FatherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora