"I think i want to marry you......?"

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Dinner that night was....interesting, too say the least. I sat across from Alphonse and winry across from innocence, leaving granny Pinako at the head of the table. The silence was deafening. There was so much I wanted to ask innocence but I didn't know how or weather I should actually ask the questions. I decided too save them for after dinner. It was Pinako who broke the silence.

"So ed, when are you planning on marring winry?" She asked casually.

I was so stunned by the question that I choked on my steak. Winry went bright red and rejected the statement in fits of embarrassment, Alphonse shot me the biggest smile as if he believed that I actually proposed to winry and innocence just smirked a little while she continued to eat.

"Uh Pinako I uh don't plan on marring winry any time soon, we only started dating recently" I said, wiping my mouth with a cloth.

"Are you trying too say you don't want too marry me?" Winry said, giving me a sad look.

"What? No that not what I'm saying winry, can we talk about this later?" I said. The look winry gave me made me want to punch myself.

"Please excuse me" Winry said in a small voice as she stood up and walked upstairs.

I groaned and held my face in my hands. "Thanks granny, now Winrys upset" I groaned.

"Well it's your job too fix this, don't sit here complaining too me" said Pinako as she took another puff of her pipe.

I shot a glance at Al, who obviously wanted me too go see winry. I sighed and stood up from my chair and headed towards the stairs. 'Oh I'm terrible at this stuff, what do I say?' I thought too myself.

I stood In front of the pine door, too afraid to nock. I sighed and lifted my fist and lightly nocked. I heard nothing but a sniffle from winry from behind the door. My heart sank, knowing that I made my winry cry was painful.

"Winry I'm coming in ok?" I said lightly as I opened the door and walked In

It was dark and musty, but I soon found the silhouette of winry sitting on the bed. I could hear her crying softly. I hung my head in shame as I kneeled down In front of her.

"Winry I-" but i trailed off, having no idea what to say to make her feel better. I just placed my hand on hers.

"Your going to leave me aren't you?" Winry whispered in a broken voice.

My head shot up to look at winry, I was shocked at the statement. "Winry why would you say that? Of course I'm not going too leave" I said, squeezing her hand to reassure her. But winry kept looking down.

"Look winry I - I know that I was away for a while when i was a state alchemist, but that's in the past now. I'm here for you know" I said. Winry just shook her head, not believing me.

"Your such an idiot" winry sobbed. "Your not going to stay here with me, I know you ed" winry cried.

"You want adventure and dreams and settling down with me isn't what you want!" Winry yelled, chocking on tears.

"And - and you probably don't even love me" winry cried in a broken voice.

I suddenly felt a deep pain in my heart after hearing winry say that. As if my heart was breaking. How could winry think this? I loved her with all I had too love her with. I would die a thousand times over just too see her smile. I loved winry.

I let out a broken breath, trying to comprehend what happened. I stood up, taking winrys hand and pulling her up with me. She looked at me with a puzzled expression, tears trailing down her cheeks.

"If I can't tell you how much I love you winry, then I'm going too show you" I said, looking deep into her eyes.

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