♡ | Chapter 4

"big brown eyes..."

Since it was a relaxation trip, only a few of the helping crew joined us.

The BTS boys, Manager Sejin, and I, took a 12-seater mini bus. And the rest of the crew took a second bus along with the equipment they will be needing.

(Seating arrangements)

Today, I had dressed in a simple white shirt, blue skirt and white Nike sneakers

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Today, I had dressed in a simple white shirt, blue skirt and white Nike sneakers. I had also packed seven sets of clothes and a one piece bikini since we were going to the beach.

Considering the fact that I was a 'girl', the guys had been surprised when I came with just two bags. A medium sized suitcase with my personal luggage and a smaller backpack for my laptop and other work files.

What can I say? I didn't go through a four year course on management for nothing.

The journey started off in silence. Everyone was either occupied by their phones or napping. Since I too had nothing better to do, I pulled out the schedule to remind myself of the appointment dates once again.

"I'm bored..." J-Hope sighed.

"I'm bored..." He whined.

"I am boooooored!!!" He suddenly screeched.

Suga groaned, "Go to sleep, Hobi."

"Ugh...you got no jams. Let's sing a song! Come on!"

"Okay." V agreed, stood from his seat, and went to the back of the bus to join them.

J-Hope tried to pull Suga and Jimin as well, but noticed that Suga had his eyes closed.

"Yoongi? Are you sleeping? Okay...it's okay. Tae, wake him up."

"Me?" V went close to Suga and was about to poke his arm but immediately had second thoughts. "Nah, let him be."

"Fine...Jimin come! Kookie, Rapmon, Jin, Lisa! Come on. You guys are on video."

Namjoon rose from his seat and joined them.

I was rather reluctant though. Everyone knows how popular their videos get. What would people think when they see a woman, that too an unfamiliar woman, with them.

"Lisa, let's go." Jin offered his hand to me.

"I better not...it'll strike up too much suspicion."

"Oh please, they'll be even more suspicious if they notice we're trying to hide someone."

That's true.

So I went to the middle of the bus where Namjoon introduced me as their managers assistant in the video.

They started singing and I eventually joined in, bellowing out the lyrics, even though I was nowhere near as good as them.

After a while we were heartily dancing. They taught me a couple of simple moves and I was having so much fun. I probably looked like a maniac but I didn't care.

Suddenly, the bus screeched to a stop, making us all stumble.

Thankfully Suga was already seated, Jimin and Namjoon were supporting themselves on the seats, and Namjoon grabbed J-Hope and V before they could fall.

I wasn't so lucky. I had been standing with my back against the side of a seat and Jungkook was leaning against the seat opposite it, facing me.

When the brakes slammed, I totally lost my footing and skidded side ways. I closed my eyes and anticipated the impact because klutzes like me have no hope.

Right when I thought I'd hit the floor, someone put an arm out, caught me, and brought me smack against a solid body.

My feet weren't even touching the floor which meant this person was literally carrying me.

"Oh mah gawd! Mah hart!" J-Hope exclaimed once the bus stopped.

"Wow...I would have flew if Rapmon didn't catch me. Thanks!" V laughed.

"I hit my nose on the headrest." Suga complained at which V and J-Hope laughed adoringly.

"Boys okay at the back?" Manager Sejin called out.

"All good!" Namjoon hollered.

When I opened my eyes to take a look at the situation, I found myself staring right into a pair of big brown eyes. I wanted to tear my gaze away but I felt paralyzed. My hands clutched onto the fabric of his t-shirt and then I started feeling conscious of my weight.

Was I too heavy? Why isn't he putting me down?

A few seconds passed and neither of us made a move, until we were interrupted.

"Lisa? Kookie? You guys okay?"

At the sound of Jimin's voice, Jungkook was startled out of the moment. When he realized how intimately he was holding me, he instantly shoved me off, making me fall right on my butt.

Gee thanks.

I saw Jimin raise an eyebrow at him, which he ignored with a shrug.


Since I had no wish to show them my underwear I turned my back to them, which was a rather tough task considering the fact that it was a compact space.

When I struggled to get up, Jimin caught me at my waist and hauled me up effortlessly.

"You okay?" Jimin asked again.

"Y...yeah." I replied.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Jungkook going to the rear end of the bus, whistling to himself, as if nothing had happened.

I felt my face heating up with embarrassment and rage.

That bastard. Why did he even catch of he was going to push down afterwards?

"What happened?" Jin asked after reaching the front of the bus.

"Nothing to be worried. A deer jumped onto the road." The driver answered.

"I got that on video!" J-Hope said, laughing.


It was initially supposed to be a girl-falls-on-top-of-boy moment. But then I decided to make him drop her ass on the floor cuz hey you gotta keep up appearances XD
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