Special Chapter 3!

Start from the beginning

"I got it now! Finally!" he cackled victoriously. "Now you're all worthless!"

The others stared.

"...Oh, it seems like the pill has stopped taking effect," Laito slowly said.

Subaru punched his arm. "No, you idiot, though I can understand where you're coming from."

Kanato giggled, cuddling his stuffed toy. "Yeah. Ayato's always an idiot."

Footsteps were then heard, almost completely drowned by the alarms.

"Ayato, dear—" Guinevere extended her hand in panic. "—You need to give me the gem."

Ayato shook his head. He suddenly sprinted, only to be tackled by Subaru. Yet his will to cling onto the gem was strong.

Exasperated, Subaru pushed his weight on him, pinning his wrists above his head. However, because most of his strength was applied to keep Ayato's hands from flinging everywhere and slapping everything, it was pretty much impossible for him to obtain the gem.

Ayato then grunted when Laito smiled down at him. As if on cue, Subaru rolled off Ayato while still maintaining his iron grip. Immediately, Ayato began to spring upwards.

However, without wasting the opportunity, Laito pressed his foot onto Ayato's stomach, restraining him once more.

Guinevere's eyes widened. "Now, now, do not kill him—"

"My goodness, what is this mess?" Reiji said, stepping forward out of thin air to stand beside her.

Shuu sighed. "He drank a Dumb pill."

"What?" said Kanato. "But he's already dumb."

"Well, he didn't know that it was a Dumb pill when he drank it. He was also too idiotic to find it suspicious." Laito's attention remained on the struggling Ayato as he spoke.

Reiji crossed his arms. "I suppose that's normal. Why didn't you stop him, then?"

Subaru looked up. "We tried, but he was equally as persistent."

"Well, it can't be helped." Reiji then stared at Laito and Subaru, who was keeping a violent Ayato pinned to the ground. "So, are we going to idle around? With the alarm going off, it will only be a matter of time before more guards arrive."

"More?" Guinevere echoed. "Did you run into some of them on the way here?"

"They were in the way, so I had them dealt," said Reiji. "since I had incredibly little time to waste when I heard the alarm. Fortunately, it made it easier to locate you all ...But of course, I didn't anticipate seeing this upon my arrival."

Shuu yawned. "Tell Laito and Subaru to hurry up. Those bothersome guards are coming."

"Do you hear that too, Teddy?" Kanato said. "It sounds like they'll be a lot of weapons for us to collect."

"Freeze!" one of the armed guards said. They were blocking the doorway, guns pointing directly at the brothers and Guinevere.

"No!" Ayato immediately retorted.

Subaru looked up boredly, his grip on Ayato's wrists still firm. Laito pressed more weight onto Ayato's stomach, causing Ayato to grunt. He then casually turned around and waved at the guards.

"I said freeze!"

Guinevere sighed. "Laito, just do as they say. They are going to weaken due to fear and stress soon. See their hairs growing white and the wrinkles on their unsatisfied faces?"

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