Chapter 17

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Going to prison was not how I wanted to spend the end of my Junior year. It was April twenty-third. It was a Monday and I was in the back of my mom's Prius on my way to Wellington Penitentiary.

I said goodbye to my little brother that morning, as tears streamed down my face. I hadn't even bothered to change out of the sweatpants and redsox sweatshirt I slept in. I mean, why would I? I was going to prison, where I would be wearing an orange jumpsuit for the next 7 days.

Jane was driving, and held mom's left hand in her right. Mom was staring blankly out her window.

"C'mon Maur, I know it's hard, but it's only for a week." Jane said.

Mom gave Jane a disgusted look and tore her hand away.

"Yes, Jane a whole week in a prison full of murderers and rapists. My 17 year old daughter is living there for 7 days! It's your fault!" Mom shouted. "If you wouldn't have opened that big mouth of yours, she wouldn't be spending a week up here with these dangerous people. She'd be in Abraxis, with kids her own age. Not with child molesters who are older and more powerful than she is!"

Jane was quiet and mom shook her head and started crying.

Once we pulled up to the prison gates, Mom told Jane to stay in the car, and she walked inside with me.

I had to be cleared by security before entering. They were very thorough. I was violated already and I hadn't even been in for more than 10 minutes.

After security, the guards escorted me to a visitors room where an older man was sitting. He too, was in a bright orange jumpsuit.

I sat down next to him, and realized that this old man wasn't just any old man. He was Paddy Doyle. He was my mother's biological father; my grandfather.

He looked at me, and attempted to give me a small reassuring smile.

"Give me your name tag." He said, holding his hand out.

I unpinned it and placed it in his hand.

He pulled out another from a secret pocket in his jumpsuit and handed it to me.

"Lyndzie Doyle." I said out loud.

Mom walked in then.

I stood and gave her a hug. She kissed my cheek and held me as she let tears roll down her face. She finally released me and sat down on the other side of the table.

"Paddy, I know you and I don't have the best relationship, but-" Mom started, but was interrupted by her father.

"It's done, Maura. I will keep her safe for the week. My guys already know the drill. Try not to worry too much. You have a baby to take care of. This week will be over before you know it and I will return her to you myself without a scratch."

Mom nodded a thank you and reluctantly got up to hug him.

"Don't let my baby get hurt." She said into his chest. "I need her to be okay."

"She will be, Maura. I'll protect her just like I protected you. She'll come home in one piece, but no matter how much I protect her, she will come home different. Just remember that."


The first three days were the hardest. Men my moms age would come up behind me and grab my ass while I was in line for food. They would whisper dirty nasty things in my ear, but as soon as I would whimper, Paddy Doyle's guys we're right there, shoving the man against the wall, threatening him, beating him.

"You don't put your filthy paws on Paddy Doyle's granddaughter. Got it?" One of the men said coldly.

My predators would nod and hurry away.

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