Chapter 12

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Having a newborn baby is a lot easier than I expected. Maybe that's because Jacob only gets grumpy when he needs his diaper changed or when he wants mama Jane, but it's still easy.

Lyndzie helps out too, when she can. I never ask her though. I don't want her thinking that she is solely responsible for her brother.

Jacob won't take a bottle for me. I've tried to give him breast milk from a bottle, but he just pushes it away and starts to scream. He'll take the bottle for Jane though. I suppose that's his bonding time with her.

Jane and I have also decided that I will be a stay at home mom until Jacob stops nursing.

"Hey, Maur." Jane said, coming through the door.

"Hello." I replied sweetly.

I was curled up on the couch, playing with Jacob's honey blonde hair as he nursed. I was looking down at my beautiful baby boy when Jane came into the living room and kissed his forehead. Then she kissed me.

"How was your day?" She asked.

"Uneventful, but wonderful."

"Where's Lyndzie?"

"At her aunt's house. She's staying the night there."

"Her aunt? Like, Joe's sister?"

I shook my head.

"Stacy's sister."

"Maura it's a school night!"

"No it isn't. Tomorrow is a teacher in-service day. I told them I wouldn't keep Lyndzie from them and she's just staying for the night. She'll be back tomorrow before noon."

"Fine." Jane conceited. "Can we talk about it first next time? I feel like you're the one making all these parental decisions when it should be the two of us, deciding together."

"You're right. I'm sorry." I said.

"That's okay. I just want to be a part of the raising of our kids too...even if they aren't mine biologically."

Jacob stopped nursing so I sat him up to burp him.

Jane was sitting on the couch beside me and she stretched her arms out, reaching for our son.

"Do you want to go to mama? I'm sure she missed you very much today!" I said to the baby.

"I'll burp him, if you need to do something."

I shook my head, but handed the baby to Jane anyway.

"I'm going to get a diaper and the wipes. He is a stinky boy!"

After coming back out to the living room, I heard Jane's voice almost in a whisper.

"I'll play the piano for you. Would you like that? Mama will play your favorite lullaby tomorrow before nap time while mommy is at the store, and then we'll nap together upstairs. That sounds like fun, huh?"

Jacob took his hand and shoved it in his mouth, effectively covering it with slobber. Jane stared at him.

"Seriously dude? You are salivating all over my hand. Oh well, mama loves you anyway."

I walked around the couch and sat next to Jane again. She turned Jacob around and put him on the couch in front of me and sang to him.

"Mommy's gonna change your diaper, Mommy's gonna change you diaper, Mommy's gonna change your diaper, because you're really stinky!"

I chuckled.

"You are a fantastic mother, Jane." I said.

"You think?" Jane said, smiling.



3:52 AM

I heard Jacob whimper before he started to cry. I looked at the clock and groaned.

"My goodness, Jakey. You had mommy up 45 minutes ago. What is going on with you, little man?" I asked as I picked him up out of his crib.

"What in the world! Do you just want to cuddle with your mama's? We can do that. Alright, let's lie you right here between your mama's and see if you sleep better."

Jane groaned when I pushed on her to wake her up.

"Hey, be careful. Jacob is in between us."

"Okay." She said.

Fifteen minutes went by and our baby was screaming again. I was about to sit up to nurse him, when Jane got up and took our son in her arms.

"I know what's wrong." She said. "You pumped today didn't you?"

"Yes." I answered, not understanding where she was going with that question.

"I didn't feed him before we came to bed. He's upset because normally I feed him before we go to bed and I didn't do it. He just wants time with Mama."

She went downstairs and came back up a few moments later with a bottle of breast milk in hand. She sat on the bed and gave him the bottle.

"See mommy? That's all I wanted. Just time with Mama."

I smiled at Jane and put my hand on her bicep.

"See? I told you, you were amazing."

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