Waiting for the Moment

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My mom died when I was ten years old. When my father told me, I was beyond upset. So, imagine how angry I was when dad told me he wanted to date this woman, Dr. Maura Isles. They've been dating for six months and I haven't met her yet. Not because dad doesn't want me too, but because I don't want to meet her.

"It has been seven years since your mother died, Lyndzie. Maura and I have been dating for six months. Why don't you want to meet her?"

"Because dad, mom wouldn't like it!"

I wasn't lying. She wouldn't like it.

"She would want me to be happy! I want to share my life with someone! Lyndzie, I want to share my life with Maura, but I can't do that until you meet her." My father said. "Look at me."

I turned my head towards him so he could see the tears rolling down my face.

"Lyndzie, I'm not trying to replace your mother. Nobody can replace Stacy, but I found someone that I love just as much.Maura is fantastic. Give her a chance."

"Fine. When is your stupid dinner?"

"In fifteen minutes. She said she would meet us there."

I groaned and carried myself upstairs and to my room to put on an 'elegant' dress and reapply my make up. This is the first time I'll be meeting this doctor. He says I need to look 'presentable'.

Stupid dad, with his stupid law firm dinners and banquets that require dates.


When we arrived at dads law firm, The law offices of Timmons, Taylor, and Tkachik (Pronounced Thatch-ick), there was a beautiful honey blonde woman standing by the door.

"Hello, Joseph." The honey blonde said as she smiled then slightly blushed when dad kissed her on the cheek.

Oh my god, it's gonna be hard to hate her.

He opened the door for us and I followed the woman inside.

"This is my daughter Lyndzie. Lyndzie, this is Maura." Dad said.

"It's very nice to meet you." She said as she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I rolled my eyes.

"Did you know that the word nice originally meant something to be 'foolish' or 'stupid'? For example, when people say 'That's nice' they very seldom mean that they care about what you are saying to them." I said.

"Actually, I did know that, I'm just very nervous about meeting you. After all, I am the woman your father is dating. I just want you to like me."

"Well, I don't and I won't."

"Lyndzie Elizabeth Taylor!"

"Joe, it's okay." Maura said, rubbing the red blotches that had suddenly appeared on her chest.

"No, it isn't Maura!" Dad said. He turned to me. "Keep it up, and your grounded. I know you can be more respectful. You're seventeen years old. I shouldn't have to tell you to apologize."

I rolled my eyes again and turned to Maura.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"That's okay." She said with a smile. "Joe, can we talk privately for a moment, please?"

She pulled dad back out the door.


"I don't think she likes me." Maura said.

"Honey, she doesn't even know you yet." Joe said and rested his hands on Maura's upper arms.

"I don't think she wants too. I don't blame her."

They were silent for a few moments.

"Maura." Joe said, when she started to cry.

"I should go." She said, hurrying away. "I'll call you when I get home."

"No! Don't go!"

"Joe, she doesn't want me here!" Maura yelled. "I'm not gonna make you choose between me and your child."

"But I-"

"I love you, Joe." Maura said, before getting in her car and driving away.


"Let's go!" Dad said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door.

"Ouch, what the hell?"

"Yeah, Lyndzie, what the hell? She left because you don't want her here! Why can't you understand that she makes me happy? I love her, Lyndzie! And she loves me. Why can't you just be happy for me?!"

"Dad, I am happy that you are happy!"

"Then stop trying to screw this up for me! Get in the car, we're going home!"

Waiting for the Moment (Rizzoli and Isles)Where stories live. Discover now