Chapter 10

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Six Months Pregnant

Baby Names.

"What about Oliver Henry?" I suggested.

Jane wasn't really listening. She had her head rested on my stomach, waiting for the baby to kick.

"Jane? What do you think?" I asked hitting her with her pillow.


"The name. Oliver Henry? What do you think?"

"Cute, but do you have any suggestions for girl names?"

I smiled.

"Charlotte Rose, Adalynn Hope, Victoria Ann, Alessandra Mae...The list goes on. I really DO think our baby is a boy though."

"Alessandra? Really, Maura? What's wrong with Alexandra?" Jane laughed.

"It isn't classy enough." I said with a laugh.

"Alessandra is such a rich person name. Like Maura. Maura is a rich person name."

"Well, we are wealthy, Jane."

"Oliver is a rich person name too. And so is Lyndzie. The way she spells it, that's a rich person spelling."

Jane smirked at me, to let me know she was just teasing.

"First of all, her mother chose the spelling of her name. Secondly, I want my children to have classy names. So, Oliver, yay or nay?"

"Yay. It has a great ring to it. Oliver Rizzoli."

"If the baby is a girl?" I asked.

Jane groaned.

"I can't believe I'm going to suggest this, but I love the name Layla Athena..."

I made a face.

"I love the middle name, but...uh...what about Penelope Athena?"

"No. No. I'm pretty sure Tina Fey has a daughter named 'Penelope Athena'. I'm not doing that?" Jane said.

"Who is Tina Fey?" I asked.

"Maura. Are you being serious?"

I nodded.

"Really?! You don't know who Tina Fey is?"

I shook my head.

"Okay. Have you ever seen the show 30 Rock?"

"Oh, yes!"

"Tina Fey portrays the character of Liz Lemon."

"Oh, you know, I believe I might have met her once at a charity dinner."

"You did?" Jane asked me, surprise evident on her face.

"I believe so... maybe next time you'll come with me." I smirked.

She smiled.

"Oh, Maura!" She groaned and climbed in top of me-at least as much as my pregnant belly would allow.

"Have you thought about how you want to deliver the baby?"

"Yes. I've decided that I'm going to give birth naturally."

Jane's hand stopped rubbing my stomach and stared at me.

"Like, no drugs natural?"

I nodded.

"You realize that child birth hurts more than menstral cramps, right? You also realize your pelvis is going to break?"

"Yes Jane, but childbirth is a beautiful process. I want to be able to remember the moment I deliver, when they lay our baby on my chest for the first time, when he or she cries for the first time, when our child latches on to my breast for his or her first feeding. I want to experience that without my mind being all fuzzy because of painkillers and muscle relaxers."

"I understand."

"Good, because...oh...Jane, give me your hand!" I said excitedly. 

I grabbed her hand andplaced it gently on my stomach. 

"Do you feel that?" I asked her.

She smiled. I smiled back.

"Babe. That is amazing!"

"I know." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Maura. For every argument,for every late night spent worrying about me.Thank you for doing this, Maura. Thank you for giving me this beautiful life and this beautiful family."

"You're welcome, Jane. There's no one else I'd rather share this with. There is no one else I'd rather spend my life with."

She captured my lips in a deep, passionate kiss, and we spent the rest of the night wrapped in each others arms, feeling the baby kick and whispering I love you's.

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