Chapter 14

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"Aunt Sara, please come with me!?"

"Lyndzie, you need to tell one of your moms and they need to take you to this doctors appointment."

I gave Aunt Sara a sad look.

"You did it for mom." I said.

She looked at me and shook her head.

"You're mother was 19. Not 17. She was married."

"Aunt Sara-"

"No, Lyndzie! Talk to Maura. She was a doctor."


"Mom?" I asked, walking into the study.

"Yes, dear?" My mom said, looking up from the bill she was holding and taking her reading glasses off.

"Can I talk to you about something?"

Mom stood up and walked over to the couch, grabbing the baby monitor and sitting it on the table.

"Absolutely." She said.

I stood in front of her nervously.

"Uh, you know how you and mom give me the freedom to kind of pretty much do whatever I want as long as I tell you guys about it?"

Mom nodded.

"We do that because we trust that you will make good decisions and have good judgement with all things you do."

"Yeah. Well, there are a couple things I haven't told you."

Mom sat up more and seemed more concerned.

"Like what?" Mom asked.

"Uh, well I've been seeing this guy, Trevor for a few months...he's not exactly the kind of guy you would want to see me with. He isn't very nice...or smart, but he is SO cute...Anyway, um...we went to a party two months ago and I... I um..."

"You...had sex with him?"

I bit my lip nervously and nodded.

Mom opened her arms and motioned for me to sit next to her. I did and she wrapped her arms around me.

"You think you're pregnant, right?"

I nodded and started crying into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do mom!"

Mom chuckled.

"Oh, honey. It's okay. Don't cry! I'm not angry with you!"

Mom pulled me closer and held on tighter.

"When I was in college, I met this man named Garrett Fairfield. He was so gorgeous, and smart. He was everything to me for so long. One night, he and I went to a dinner party his parents threw. We got drunk and snuck off and had lots and lots of unprotected sex. At the time, we didn't care. I never thought I could be so reckless. Weeks later, I started getting symptoms. I had gained weight, my appetite had changed, I had mood swings, I was throwing up every time I walked into my chemistry class, My breasts got larger, which, Garrett liked. I went to the doctor and he confirmed that I was pregnant. When I told Garrett, he was very upset. My parents were very upset too. They didn't speak to me for three months. I lost the child and Garrett left me, I haven't spoken to him since."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"No, honey. Don't be sorry! My point is, if you are pregnant, we'll get through that. Just like we've gotten through everything else. I'm not angry with you because you are human. Humans make mistakes. Now, first things first. You have to take a pregnancy test."

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