Chapter 8

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"Why are you here?" 

"I came to see Jane. Is she here?'

"Uh, no. She's at work. Why do you want to see her?" Maura asked.

"Uh, a birthday gift." Jessica replied holding a box up.

Jane came walking up the sidewalk to the porch and stopped suddenly when she saw Jessica.

"Jess?" Was all she could say.

"Hey, Janie! I brought you a birthday gift."

Jessica skipped over to Jane and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and handed her the small box.

"My birthday is tomorrow. How do you know where I live?"

"I talked to Frankie." She said.

"I'm going to kill him!" Maura said. "Now we have to move!"

"Jess, as sweet as this is, it's also inappropriate. And a hell of a thing to do in front of my wife. I can't accept this gift."

Jane walked up onto the porch and wrapped her arms around Maura's waist.

"Where were you?" Maura whispered.

"I had a few errands to run. Don't worry, I'll always come back to you." Jane replied with a smile and a kiss.

"Look, I appreciate this, but we were never a couple. We had sex and that's all it ever was. I'd like for you to leave now." Jane said to Jessica.

"But I-"

"Go, Jess, please."

She nodded and sat the gift on the porch.

Before Jane followed Maura inside, she walked over and picked up the gift and shoved it in her pocket.


"...Happy birthday, dear Janie, happy birthday to you!" We sang. Angela too!

"Thanks, guys." Jane said, kissing Maura and then giving me a hug.

"I have a gift for you!" I said happily.

I handed her the envelope and she opened it.

"Holy shit!" She said as she stood up. "Two plane tickets to Mexico. Maura, did you do this?"

"No, I'm pretty sure that was all Lyndzie... And my mother." Maura said, smiling at Constance."

"I figured I'd send you two on your honeymoon." I said. "Since you didn't go on one because of me."

"That's not why we didn't go on one!" Maura said. "Where are we going?"


Maura smiled and gave me a hug and kiss.

"Thank you, darling."


After the gathering we held for Jane, Mom and Angela started cleaning up. I followed Jane out to the porch and sat on the swing next to her.

She pulled out the small box she stuck in her pocket the day before. She pulled the ribbon and pulled the lid off. Inside was a note, and underneath the note we're two gold wedding bands.

Dear Janie,

I know we weren't 'together' and I know what we did didn't mean anything, but I do care about you. More than I'd like to admit. I knew you loved Maura. When she walked in on us and looked at you, you looked back at her with the saddest eyes I've ever seen. Then you chased her down the hallway. You begged her not to leave, but she did. And in that moment, you knew that everything you had was gone. That the one person who truly ever loved you and appreciated you had walked away, not to hurt you, but to protect herself. You knew that you had lost true love. Now, you have it back. Don't let it go. Don't let HER go. Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you both a very long lifetime of happiness, joy, and love. Happy 41st birthday, Janie!

Love always,


"God, that woman!" Jane said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Frankie must've told her that Maura and I didn't have rings."

She dragged Maura outside and handed her a gold band.

"Read the letter." She said to her wife.

A few moments later, she turned back to Jane.

"Maybe she's not so bad?" Maura said, more like a question.

"Nah, she's not so bad." Jane said and smiled.

Maura slipped the gold band on Jane's finger and Jane did the same.

"I love you, Maur."

"I love you too. Happy birthday, dear."

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