A Link to the Past (Chapter 18)

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Connor's/Wraith's POV

I wake up the next morning to hear to sound of my brother's snoring. He was hugging a pillow and sprawled all over the couch. What a loser... I grab the pillow thats under my head and I throw it at his face.

"Waaaa????" Taylor said as he tumbled off the couch.

"Get up..." I said as I sat up from the floor.

"Why?" He asked abit irritated.

"Because we have a long day ahead of us and I want to make sure that we're well fed." I answer as I get up and walk over to the kitchen. I looked into the fridge. Yep. Nothing.

I heavily sigh as I tun back to to the door. "Taylor!"

"What!?! I aint yo Hoe!" he hollers back. I palm met my forehead again.

"I'm not saying that you're my hoe! I'll be out getting Breakfast thats all!" I say. Then I mutter to myslef, "Damn.... This kid..."

"Wait, You can't go alone!" he protested as he walked through the kitchen door.

"Dude, I'll be fine."

"No, We're in a strange place, so wait for Matt to get up so that way he can navigate through here."

"Really?" I ask. "Why don't you join me?"

"I don't know where I'm going either." he says.

After a while I start to hear foot steps. Goodie someone's up.

"Good Morning Krusty Krew!!!" Matt says. We are all in the same clothes as yesterday.

"Good! Matt, lets go get some food with the Twenty that Rene and Sarah gave us." I said as I walked past him. I took hold of his wrist and I tugged him along behind me as I set out to the door.

"Wait! I'll go with you!" Taylor called after him.

"Wait, guys you do know that my aunt grows some fruit, right?" Matt says as I rush out the door. I stop in my tracks.

"Oh." I mutter.


Matt's/ Heliex's POV

After we picked some fresh apples and oranges at 8:00 in the morning, I ended up washing them while Connor and Taylor cut them up. They argue about alot of random things I guess thats because they're brothers that they know that they're joking. I with I had a relashionship like that with my brother. But instead I get an ass hole of a brother who would beat me everyother day.

After the girls wake up and we eat, the groups split up and Cas, Taylor, and myself go to the back to try and figure out what our powers are.

"So.... How do we do this?" Cas asks. Right now, we're all just standing around in a triangle.

"Umm..... I don't know." Taylor answers.

"You want to just randomly fight eachother?" I suggest. "You know. In case we don't find out what our powers are."

"Sure!" Cas said as she ran up to taylor. She pounced on him and they started to wrestle. 

"Yeah, this wasn't what I had in mind..." I said as I pulled Cas off of Taylor. His face looks like it just saw a ghost. It was actually pretty funny.

I held onto Cas's waist with one arm. She was struggleing.

"LEMME AT HIM!!!" She said while giggleing. Taylor, who was still on the grass looked up wide eyes franticly shaking his head.

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