Super Nova (Chapter 1)

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Im really into Batman right now (mainly the Joker:) So I had to write a hero fan fic :)

Oh and this really has nothing to do with the story, I just felt like writing an epic action battle scene thing. Okay! Alonz-y!


"HAHAHAHAAAAA I SHALL SEE YOU IN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My attacker said in my ear. I'm sprawled out in the rubble of what was an office building in the middle of the city.

"Yeah, but I guess you'll just have to wait for me to get there." I said before I turned around and punched him in the face. I levetated myself up and stood on the nearest flat surace I could find. He was at least 100 feet away from me. He got up and looked around dazed. Now was my chance.

I used my psychic abilities to lift him up far from the ground. Then I slammed him back to the floor. He screamed as he stood and launched a rocket out from a gauntlet on his hand and it came wizzing twards my face. I concenterated on its heat and it fell frozen.

"Come on! How long have we been at this?" I said tauntingly.


"Yeah. I think that was established?" I thought. "Come on!!!"

Then suddenly lightning came from the sky and struck right next to me.

"There we go!!!!!!!! Thats a challenge!" I in a patronizing tone.

I used my dark energy to create a shield around me. More lighting struck, but I couldnt see how close and from where. After about ten muinutes of charging and this guy fireing lightning at me, I got tierd of being blind.

"ENOUGH!!!" I screamed. I used my water abilities to freeze the shield. Then I made a hole in the ground with my psychic power and dissapeard. Then I turned up behind him and dug my hand into his back. I froze his spinal chord and he fell to the ground. Then I melted his blood back to the way it should be and he was knocked unconsious.

I was still standing when the police arrived moments later.

"What the hell happend here?" The chief exclimeed as he approched me.

"Just get him the hell out of here. Lock him up where no one could find him and leave him there to die." I said in a deadpan tone. "I think his death will greatly contribute to society."

"Who are you?" he asks. I focus behind him and notice that he was starting to wake up. My eyes glowed a fierce black colour and he fell to the ground. 

"Nova." Then I flew into the evening sky....

Super NovaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora