I'll Never Let you Go (Chapter 6)

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Ah Starlight...... Again.


"So, where is Dawn?" I asked Matt after a moment.

"The "agents" pulled her aside for something." Matt said.

"Goody! Lets see if we can get out of here."


"You heard me! Come on, Im sure we can find some way to-"

"No! We're really going to find a way to get out in freaking hospital gowns and we also have no clue what the hell they did to us! What if I keep coughing up my lungs for the rest of my life? My mom will think I smoke or something!"

"Who cares! Maybe that'll stop! Have you forgotten that we're prisoners?!"

"No, we're hostages."

"EITHER WAY WE"RE BEING KEPT AGAINST OUR WILL!! Ok, I'll make you a deal. Why dont we wait for the "agents" to tell us what they did, find a way to get the fuck out, then we leave."

"Fine. But what about Dawn?"

"If she does'nt get on my last nerves, then she can come with us."

"Fair enough," Matt agreed, "so how are we getting out of these hospital gowns? Ew....."


"We werent in them when we tried to escape."


"But we were when we woke up."

"Soo..... AW! Eww thats just.... not Okay!" 

I turned around just when the door opened. A blonde girl who looks alomst exactly like a barbie doll walked in. She was in a pink tank top with a really short white skirt with like 6 inch heels. She looked like Ronald McDonald's daughter with all the make up on her face.

"Wow, when did we get into a strip club?" I whispered to Matt. HE chuckeled and gave me a fist punch.

"Hey! Did you all miss me?"


"Who are you?"

"I'm Dawn, havent you heard?" She said as if she was the most important thing ever.

"Yeah, but I was expecting Hitler not a 2 dollar who-"

"Hi Dawn, I'm Matt and this is Cassy." Matt inturrupted, probably for the best.

"Yeah I know who you are. Oh and they want to see you outside." she said looking at me.

"Ok.." I said and I sat down on the bed.

"Did'nt you hear me?"

"Yeah, I'm not deaf. I'm just stubborn."

"Cass, just go its ok."

"Fine..." I said while getting up. As I walked past Dawn, I noticed that she smelled like a baby prostitute.

"What the fuck do you want ass holes?"

"Here," one said handing me the folded set of clothes that I was wearing the day I was taken, "change then come back out. We need to disscuss something with you."

I found the nearest bathroom and changed back into my awesome teal skinnies and normal purple dress shirt. Then I found my necklace in my blue knee high boots. I looked at it, It was just a metal guitar pic that said MUSE on it. But to me, it was more than an accessory, it was my way of saying that I'm a proud MUSER.

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