You Can't Cry Now Theres Nothing to Fear (Chapter 4)

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Compliments of Shine by, you guessed it, MUSE :) (If you couldnt tell, I love MUSE more then Life its self :D


Matt, Vel, and I were talking for another hour. Then suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

"Ok, well we got to go to bed now." Matt explained. "If we dont, then they give us a shot and we dont wake up for another day."

"Sometimes, It doesnt work and the victim never wakes up." Vel said. She seemed disturbed by it.

"But why do they need us to sleep so despreately?" I asked.

"Well, the ass hole in charge says that its all part of the plan." Matt a Vell said the last part in unison.

"I hate being left in the dark..." I said getting up of the floor. I climbed into a bed that was up against a wall. It's strange, the bed sheets and blankt was something that I would buy for my room.

"Well, good night." Matt said aloud. Vel and I responded with a good night and then it was silent.

I laied in bed for a while. Then I played music in my head. I imagined piano keys moving to the melody. Then I started to twitch my fingers and then, my eye lids fell over my blue gray eyes.

Next thing I knew, I was in the music room. The walls were white, but the words, "Choir of Angels" stood out over the risers which were against the wall. The piano was off to the side an pictures of Beatles' albums were on its front. The teachers office was of to the side, and was no bigger then a closet. Rachel and Mr. T were sitting on the risers, waist deep in thaught.

I tried so desperately to talk, but somehow, I couldnt. Rachels eyes were puffy and he nose was red. She'd been crying terribly for what seemed like days. Mr. T stood and started to pace. Then everything changed.

I was in my room. Photo's of MUSE and Confederate flags were hung on my white walls. My bed spreads were'nt made and my music was still on. The song I recognised as Shine, but there was something off about the song. Its hard to explain. Then I came out of my room and, oddly enough, I was in the police station. I looked into the hands of one of the oficers and saw that he was carrying my files. School, ID, and even birth certifacate. I have no idea as to how they got that, but I saw him take them into another room. A man in a suit, the same ones that took me, was standing in the doorway. The officer handed the man my records, and then he vanished.

I opened my eyes and looked around at the clock. 03:00 is what it read. I have no clue as to why its in military time, but what ever. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, hoping that Matt and Vel were just a dream within another dream. But I looked over and there was Vel and next to her, Matthew.

I turned my back and closed my eyes again. I saw a giant room. Like, bigger then my gym and music room combine. It was blue and silver with a sligt glimmer of purple and sea green. In the center was a machine. It was a pod. It was open and it seemed as if someone could lay in it. People in white lab coats were scurring around. Then I saw myself strapped to a gurny in a hospital gown. I was then unstrapped and was placed in the machine. Then one of the scientists closed the machine and pulled a lever.

"Wake up!!!!! Come on, get up!!!!! You'll get us all in trouble!!!!!" I heard Matt say.

"Shhh you've got to shut it, Cassy!!!!!!" I recognized Vel's voice too.

"WHAT!!!!???" I sat bolt upright in bed . I was panting and shaking violently.

"Hush up! Theres nothing to worry about right now," Matt said, "Be quiet or they'll wake up and we'll all be in deep shit."

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