My mother helped me put the jewelry on and Sav grabbed a small box of her own.
"And THIS is from me." She smiled.

I opened the box and of course I wouldn't expect anything less. It was a blue garter for my thigh.

   "Now you have something borrowed something new and something blue

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"Now you have something borrowed something new and something blue." She smiled
"Thank you Sav." I smiled back.

After I was fully ready with my veil on my father took my arm and walked me to the back where the ceremony was being held. The other ladies proudly went to sit with our family.

"You ready?" My father said looking down at me.
I smiled at him ready to cry.
"You can still run you know.." he said.
"Daddy!" I laughed
"I'm joking." He laughed back.
"Let's go." I said looking forward. There was two guards dressed in nice suits standing at the doors ready to open them. My father nodded his head to them and they opened them up.

My wedding song started up as the doors opened. It was at last by Etta James.

As I looked out I saw the many guest stand from their chairs. I looked straight and saw him.. Niko stood proudly at the front in his tuxedos looking just as handsome as ever.

He smiled at me and I got butterflies. He probably couldn't see my face from the veil but I knew he knew I was smiling just as big.

Niko's POV

When she finally got to me the priest said a few words and ask who gave her hand to me. Antonio looked at my then back to the priest and said him and his wife. I have to admit my heart was racing. I was excited to marry my woman but nervous he would say something different and piss me off.

After he responded he lifted her veil showing her beautiful face with her heart stopping smile. I felt my cheeks heat up and without thinking I shouted "woooh baby!!" While gripping my chest.

The crowd laughed and some of the men whooped at my excitement.

"Shall we continue?" The priest laughed.
"Yea sorry." I said

The reception

Isabella's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the bride and groom the new Mr. and Mrs. Donatello!!" The announcer said as we entered the reception area.

Everyone cheered as we walked in hand and hand. Of course Savannah was ready with two shots for Niko and I so we took them and started our partying.

Of course we did the father daughter dance and I practically had to force Niko to do the mother son dance then it was our turn. We decided to do ours last because we knew we wouldn't want to leave each other's arms after that.

"I love you so much Isabella." Niko said in my ear as I placed my head on his chest.
"I love you Niko." I said holding him tighter.
"What do you say we get outta here? Let's start our honeymoon and get on with the baby making?" He asked.
"Wow Mr.Donatello babies already?" I asked with a chuckle.
"As soon as possible honey. As long as you ok with it that is."
"I'm 100% ok with that. I actually stopped my birth control a few weeks ago when you said something about it." I smiled. He had brought it up that I should maybe think of stopping the pill since we were getting married and wanted a family. He of course said it was up to me since it's my body. I thought it over for a few days then decided yes I wanted to get ready to conceive.
"Let's go?" He asked
"Let's go." I smiled.

We walked off and his mother stopped us.
"Where are you going? What about the cake and the flower toss?" She asked.
"You'll live without us mother." Niko said annoyed. I just giggled and we ran off. Niko's father Vincent held his wife's shoulders and told her to let us go.

A few weeks later

Niko's POV

After the wedding Isabella and I got on our yacht and sail the ocean going to many different places. It's been about three weeks and we're headed home. I have business to handle and she's been tired lately so we figured it's time to get back.

Her parents went back home to Italy and mine bought a new home not far from us.

I walked into the room we have on the boat and Isabella's still sleeping.
"Babe." I said lightly shaking her.
"Hmm?" She croaked
"We'll be home in about 30mins" I said.
"Good. I don't feel good AT ALL." She said sitting up.
"The staff already packed up our bags. Why don't you join me for lunch?"
"Lunch?! How long have I been asleep?"
"You slept in babe."

Isabella got up and we went to the deck to have lunch. As we ate we talked about how nice our honeymoon was. We traveled and made love the whole time so there was no complaints not that there would be any anyways.

After eating the boat docked and we started to get off. Isabella ran to the water and threw up do to her not feeling well.

"Don't look at me." She cried.
"I'm your husband Bella I'm here for you. It's fine."
"I feel so nauseous." She said as I handed her something to wipe her mouth with.
"Maybe your pregnant." I joked. Her eyes flew up at me and we both stood there.
"Holy shit!" We both said.

I smiled and grabbed her hugging her hard.
"We don't know yet Niko calm down." She laughed.
"Oh I know. I put a baby in there." I said pointing at her stomach. She rolled her eyes and we got in the car and went home.

When we got home she went straight to the bathroom and took a test with her. Her and Savannah knew we would be trying so they stocked up I guess.

I sat on our bed waiting for her to come out. She stepped out and I asked "so??"
"We have to wait a few minutes."
"Damn." I said laying back on the bed.

A few minutes later we both went to check the test.
"I can't look you do it." She said.

I looked at it confused...

"What's this mean?" I asked.
"WHAT?!" She said grabbing the test "ahhh!!" She screamed happily. "Two lines means positive!"
"I knew it!!" I said hugging her

 "Two lines means positive!"    "I knew it!!" I said hugging her

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"We're going to be great parents." I said.

   Sorry again for the late update! Did u guys like this chapter? Let me know what you think 😍😘XoXo (Unedited)

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Sorry again for the late update! Did u guys like this chapter? Let me know what you think 😍😘

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