Chapter Seventeen

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As Tyran ushered them through Korra, he seemed nervous and slightly uncomfortable. He walked fast and flinched when Rowan reached out to grab his arm.

"What's going on Tyran?" Rowan asked, pulling the boy around so he faced the group. His eyes darted around and his hands seemed to tremble.

"I'm scared." He said. "I don't know what our leader will do when I being him a group of landwalkers."

Without even concentrating on him, Ivy could sense his fear. He seemed like he was going to say more but two voices cut through cavern. A young female figure came hurtling towards them and attached itself to Tyran's leg. A second later, a boy came running after her but stopped a few feet away, panting slightly.

"Terra! What did I tell you about running away! You could get yourself hur-"

The boy seemed to falter as he realised who was standing in front of him. "Tyran! You're back!" He shouted and engulfed Tyran in a hug.

"Salaman, we have guests." Tyran said, removing himself from the embrace. Ivy couldn't help but notice the flicker of warmth in Tyran's eyes or the slight blush that had graced his cheeks.

The boy turned to them with a smile. "Salaman Waters, pleasure to meet you." He shook all their hands before scooping up the little girl. "This is Terra. When she's not running away from me, I look after her for Tyran."

"Well, my sister has always been free-spirited." Tyran said with a chuckle. "But Salaman is right, you could get yourself hurt when you run away."

There was something in his gaze as he ruffled Terra's hair that made Ivy consider the boy for a second. There was more than just general brotherly concern in his eyes. Suddenly Ivy remembered how Tyran would speak of his parents in a past tense and how his eyes turned dark when family was mentioned. A deep sense of sympathy struck Ivy and her mind wandered to her parents. Had they even noticed that she had gone? Were they blissfully unaware? Or even worse, did they even care?

"We should speak to Olso, he's our leader here in Korra." Said Tyran, causing Ivy to snap back into the conversation. "I hope he perceives you with an open mind."

Finally Tyran led them to a destination. A canvas tent that was slightly bigger than all the others. An arch of glowing cov pel decorated the entrance. Tyran called out in his language and and a deep voice called back. Silently, they all filed into the tent.

Before Ivy even had a chance to greet the man sitting in the middle of the tent, Tyran was talking again. Words like 'landwalker' and 'Kayrix' stuck out but the rest was vague. Suddenly the man held up a hand.

"Tyran, you have brought your friends to see me, don't exclude them from the conversation." He turned to the girls with a warm smile. "My name is Olso Glenvale, I suppose I am the leader of the little community we have here."

Elise stepped forward and gave a slightly awkward-looking bow. "Elise Lockwood. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Next, Rowan bowed. "Rowan Warchester, thank you for allowing us to meet you."

Finally Olso's eyes turned to Ivy. She took a step forward and curtsied. But before she could introduce herself, Tyran spoke again.

"Se sorra Crawñasa."

Though the words had no meaning to Ivy, they seemed to hold importance to Olso. He stood up and bowed his head slightly.

"Forgive me for not recognising you. I did not know that there was royalty amongst us. I know our tents are hardly substitutes for castles however I hope that you can look past this."

Ivy tried to reassure Olso through a smile. "There are no apologies required. Tyran has told us that the formation of your community is fairly new, you don't have time to worry about princesses like me. However on behalf of my friends, I thank you for your hospitality."

A/n: Its Thursday! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you again soon. Also happy pride month! :)

- Love from Poppy x

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