🌴Bon Voyage 4 (Requested)🌴

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Yes, you read that title correctly.
For some odd reason, I wasn't able to get Bon Voyage 3 and I was refunded of my money by VLive.
I am actually really sad about it because I really wanted to watch it and wanted to make the person that requested it happy.
I'm sorry I let you down *tear rolls down cheek*
So, I decided to create my version of Bon Voyage 4!
Also, I'm sorry I was gone for a week.
I was very busy with school and I went to my Dad's last weekend and I had no time to do anything.
Also, this will be split into two parts.
I hope you enjoy and the rest of you as well!

I hope you enjoy and the rest of you as well!***

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Today, I get my revenge.
I'm taking it.
The hoodie that Jungkook never let me wear.
And I don't care.

Jungkook barely wore it and he still never let me wear it

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Jungkook barely wore it and he still never let me wear it.
Well now, he can't say anything.
I'm taking it no matter what you say.
Since, Tae and Jungkook were out shopping for snack, it was time to strike.
I ran into the room and ripped the closet doors open.
I saw it.
I pulled it out and held to my chest and breathed of happiness.
It's mine, finally mine.
I looked back at the closet and a few other things caught my eyes.
It wouldn't hurt to take some shirts and more hoodies.
I pulled out different shirts and hoodies and placed them on the twin bed.
A mess.
This is your karma, Jeon Jungkook.
I heard the front door open and panicked.
I needed to hide.
The bed was a mess, scattered with shirts and hoodies.
Leave it and hide, Gi Gi.
There was just the right amount of space under the bed for me to hide.
I grabbed the hoodie and slid under the bed.
The door to the bedroom opened and there was silence.
They don't know.
"Gi Gi," They both said.
Maybe, they do know.
Jungkook walked over to the closet and looked inside.
"She took the hoodie. And left all this stuff on my bed!" Jungkook said.
"Where could she have gone?" Tae said.
He looked under his bed.
He's gonna find me.
But Tae will never tell.
He finally peeked his head under Jungkook's bed.
Our eyes met.
He winked.
"She's not even in here," Tae said lifting his head back up.
Jungkook was silent.
"You a lie," Jungkook said getting on his knees.
I wanted to laugh but I had to stay quiet.
Jungkook peeked his head under the bed.
He shook his head.
I gave up and crawled from out under the bed.
Tae helped me up.
"The least you could've done was put everything back," Jungkook said.
"Nah. You're a man. You try to act like the man of the house. So, I'll let you do that part. But I'm taking this hoodie," I said holding the hoodie close to my chest.
"Fine. But you have to give it back after you wear it. I'm giving it to someone special," Jungkook said.
My eyes widened.
"Someone special? Who is this special someone?" I asked.
Jungkook stayed silent.
"I think its time you should tell her," Tae said.
Oh, Tae was in on this, too?
"I have a girlfriend. She's really sweet and nice to me. She loves me for me. I wanted to give her the hoodie because I wore it way too much because of how much I loved it. It shows how much I love her," Jungkook said glancing down at the hoodie.
I pulled the hoodie away from my chest.
"This girl sounds really special. And she deserves someone and something special. She can have it. But, you have to get me my own!" I said throwing the hoodie back on the bed.
I left the room, empty handed.
Dang it, Gi Gi.
You were supposed to leave the room with the hoodie.
Maybe, next time.


We made it.
Specifically the island, Paros.
Not too far from Athens. (When I travelled to Greece)
It was beautiful.

"Oooh! It's so pretty, here!" I said stepping out of the van

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"Oooh! It's so pretty, here!" I said stepping out of the van.
"Yeah! And hot!" Tae said blocking the sun with his hand.
We were at this beautiful Villa.
It was big, all made of stone and stucco, and had two guest houses.
A woman walked out of the house and greeted us.
Our manager talked to the woman and she led us inside the main house.
"Welcome to Paros! My name is Isla. This will be your home for 9 days. So, who wants to share a room?" She said.
Jimin and I raised our hands.
She nodded and led us upstairs to a large bedroom.
"Are you both ok with sharing?" Isla asked.
We nodded.
"Ok then! Get settled!" She said leaving the room.
The room had a king sized bed, a large TV and a balcony.
I went on the balcony and looked out.
There was a large pool, a seating area, and a dock near the ocean.
It was beautiful.
"Jimin it's so beautiful! I've never seen anything like this before," I said walking back inside.
He nodded.
"I just want you to know, I'm very proud of how far you've come with us, Gi Gi. You're like a sister I've never had," Jimin said.
I hugged him.

So, that took longer than expected!
So, I had problems with my phone and on top of that I was busy with school and everything.
So, I'm sorry for not being present in the last week.
Request are still open!
So, if you would like to suggest a further chapter feel free to PM me your idea!
Yes, there will be two parts because, why not?
Hope you enjoyed this chapter !
Thanks for reading!

BTS 8th MemberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora