🤝Meeting and Flirting😍

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I had finished packing all of my stuff, I got ready to leave.
But I needed to find Nector.
"Ugh! Stupid cat! Always throwing up on everything!" I heard Jisoo yell.
I ran to her room and I spotted Jisoo going in to pick Nector up.
"Jisoo, I wouldn't do that if Nector doesn't like you," I said.
She still went in and Nector actually bit her.
Usually he only scratched her but maybe he hated her even more.
"Ow!" Jisoo yelled yanking her hand away.
She was bleeding.
"Omg, Jisoo, I tried to warn you," I said walking over to get a closer look at the wound.
"Whatever! Goodbye loser!" She said walking to the bathroom.
"I'm gonna miss you too," I said picking up Nector to put him in my backpack.
I got one good look at the apartment before leaving.
I took the train over to the apartment.
I was picked up in a black van.
"Sung Ji?" The driver asked as I got in.
"Yes," I said taking Nector out of the bag for him to fully breathe.
It was about a 20 minute drive but we had arrived quickly.
I got out and headed to the 7th floor of the building for my room.
Apparently I was bunking with Jungkook and Taehyung.
But I had my own room.
Because a girl needs her privacy.
I opened the door and saw the two boys rough housing with each other on the couch. When they finally realized the door had opened they stopped to look at me.
They just looked at me.
Nector broke the silence by meowing then walking over to where the boys were.
"Kitty!" The grey haired boy said going in to pick up Nector.
Surprisingly, Nector, didn't hiss or even hesitated to be touched by him.
I looked over to the brown haired boy.
"So, you must be Sung Ji," He said getting off of the couch.
I nodded.
"I am she. And you are—?" I said awkwardly.
"I am Jungkook and over there is Taehyung," He said.
Taehyung waved but continued to play with Nector.
I nodded.
"So, where is my room?" I asked politely.
"Oh! This way," Jungkook said signaling me to follow him.
He took me down this hallway to the end of it.
He opened the door and revealed a clean room with a queen sized bed, semi-large window, a bathroom, and a wardrobe.
I was jaw dropped.
"Hope you like it. Tae and I cleaned it up ourselves," Jungkook said.
"I love it! As long as you two don't bother me and invade my privacy, I'll be fine," I said placing my suitcase by the door.
"Ok. Just so you know, everyone is coming over later to see you so be prepared to introduce yourself to more people," Jungkook said.
I nodded and he exited.
I walked back into the living room to get Nector so he could eat.
"Nector, time to eat!" I said.
Nector jumped from the couch and came over to me.
"So, how were you able to bring you cat with you?" Taehyung had asked.
"I was given the exception. Since, my parents wanted to make me happy while I was a trainee, they payed for Nector to stay with me," I said finishing fixing Nector's food.
Taehyung hmmed.
"How long have you been a trainee?" Taehyung asked.
I handed Nector his food.
"I had been a trainee for 3 years. Since I was 15. I lived with a brat who was always mad at me. To be honest I wanted to be in SM Entertainment. Just so I could be reunited with Mark. But it's fine here so far," I said.
"You're gonna love it here, Sung Ji. By the way do you have a stage name yet?" Taehyung said.
"My stage name will be Gi Gi. That's my birth given name," I said.
"That's a nice name. Are you from Korea?" Taehyung asked.
I shook my head.
"I'm from Canada. But I frequently came to Korea to visit my grandparents. I would sing and people told me I had talent and said I should become a singer, so I got into Kpop and became a trainee," I said.
Taehyung nodded.
It became silent.
"Um, I'm gonna go take a nap. Please wake me up when everyone gets here," I said.
"Of course," Taehyung responded.
"Have a nice rest, Sung Ji!" Jungkook yelled to me before I left.
Nector followed behind me.
"Jungkook call her, Gi Gi," I heard him say before I closed the door.
I layed on my bed while Nector jumped up to sit next to me.
I still have Mark's number.
I dialed.
No answer.
Must've changed his number.
I'm just going to go to sleep.
I was sleeping.
Or at least I thought I was.
My body was bouncing up and down and it hurt like hell.
I woke up from what felt like a sleep paralysis moment.
"Wake up, Gi Gi! Wake up, Gi Gi!" I could hear Jungkook screaming as he jumped on my woken but lifeless body.
"Ahh... Jungkook, that hurts," I said rolling over so his feet no longer hit my body.
"Sorry, but you said to wake you up when everyone is here and they are," Jungkook said moving hair away from my face.
I sat up while the hair that Jungkook had moved off my face fell back on my face.
"Wait! They're here!?" I said looking at Jungkook.
He nodded.
"Omg! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" I screamed getting out of bed and rushing to the bathroom.
He was silent.
"Ok get out so I can get dressed," I said.
He got up and left.
I fixed my hair and got dressed.
I walked out of the room where now, 7 boys were now sitting on the couch.
They all looked over the couch and their faces looked awed.
"Um... Hi everyone. I'm Kim Sung Ji or Gi Gi," I said trying to break the awkward silence.
They broke their faces and waved.
I sat in between Jungkook and Taehyung.
Nector jumped up on the couch and sat in the lap of a turquoise haired boy.
He looked bothered but unbothered at the same time.
"Oh, I'm sorry if you don't like Nector. He's my cat and it wouldn't be a bother for him to move," I said politely offering.
"No, it's fine. I get a good vibe from Nector. By the way, I'm Min Yoongi or Suga as my stage name," Yoongi said.
"Nice to meet you, Yoongi," I said.
"Well since we're starting the welcome wagon, my name is Namjoon or RM for Rap Monster. I am the leader of the group. And I am not a good dancer," Namjoon said.
"Oh please, Namjoon, I'm probably a worser dancer than you," I protested.
"I don't believe that," He said back.
I furrowed an eyebrow.
I got up and moved to the center of the room and started to dance.
If you even call it dancing.
Cause, I didn't even know what it was.
The boys laughed at my dancing and eventually I broke down and laughed with them too.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
There will be a Part 2 (and maybe 3 depending on how long part 2 is)
Thank you for reading!

As these 2 books continue, one day I will do a chapter for every other book.
1 chapter for this book
The next day 1 chapter for YouTuber
Just wanted to make that clear!

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