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(Spare me. I didn't know what TV show to use for this. So I just made up one. So spare me please!)
I was excited.
I was invited on the show, Idol My Isle.
It was a new show that had been popular and on going for 5 months now.
It featured KPOP idols and sometimes a mix of KPOP idols from different groups.
I was told the guest included me, D.O from EXO, Vernon from Seventeen, and Lisa from BLACKPINK.
I was excited and nervous because I honestly felt like they invited me on purpose because of him.
But hey, who knows what could happen.
I had arrived a little early but early enough to greet the other idols.
No where did I spot D.O which was good because I probably would've broke down like a fan girl and died.
"Are you Gi Gi?" A woman who I guessed to be Lisa asked.
"Yes, I am. Are you Lisa?" I asked.
She nodded.
"The one and only, well not only, but I am Lisa!" She said then laughed.
I like her already.
We're gonna get along just fine.
"Hey, Lisa!" A boy with brown hair spoke.
He looked like a younger version of Leonardo Decaprio.
"Hey, Vernon!" Lisa said as they hugged.
"Vernon, this is Gi Gi. Gi Gi, this is Vernon," Lisa introduced.
"Hi, very nice to meet you. You probably get this a lot but you look like.." I was cut off.
"Leonard Decaprio. I know I do get that a lot," He said.
"You look very pretty today, just wanted to let you know," Vernon said.
"Well, you both look pretty today!" Vernon corrected.
"Where's D.O?" I questioned curious to start already.
They both shrugged.
The door opened and he appeared.
"Sorry, I'm almost late. There was a bit of traffic on the road," D.O apologized.
He looked over to me immediately.
I swooned over the boy in my mind and I could feel myself start to faint.
Keep it together, Gi Gi!
"Hello, Gi Gi. I'm Kyung Soo, or mostly know as D.O," He said shaking my hand.
I pulled myself together and properly shook his hand.
He noticed my actions and chuckled under his breath.
I blushed hard.
We were ready to start.
Kim Jong Le: Hello, Welcome back to Idol My Isle!
Park Mi Na: Today we have some idols with us. Please introduce yourselves!
Gi Gi: Hello, I am Gi Gi of BTS!
D.O: Hello, I am D.O of EXO!
Vernon: Hello, I am Vernon of Seventeen!
Lisa: Hello, I am Lisa of BLACKPINK!
Park Mi Na: Okay, so all of you have watched the show before. Today, we have a game we want you to play!
Kim Jong Le: Please bring out, the Minigame Card!
Kim Jong Le: Game: Twister! You will team up when we pick a card with a group on it. You must succeed at 10 rounds of Twister in order to get your prize and a trip with your partner to Hawaii.
Gi Gi: Yah! Why do we have to do 10 rounds!?
Kim Jong Le: It's Twister! It's all worth it for a trip to Hawaii.
Park Mi Na: Ok, let's pick from the box!
Park Mi Na: The first team is, D.O and... Gi Gi!
D.O: Yay! We're partners!
Gi Gi's mind: Omg Yes! Playing Twister with my bias!
Gi Gi and D.O high five.
Kim Jong Le: Other team Vernon and Lisa!
Park Mi Na: Ok which team wants to go first?
Gi Gi: We will!
They enter on to the Twister mat.
Park Mi Na hands Vernon and Lisa the Twister board.
Kim Jong Le: Ready, Set, Start!
Vernon gives the spinner a furious flick.
The pointer lands on left foot red.
Vernon: Left foot red!
D.O and Gi Gi pivot so there left foots so they are on the red dot.
Gi Gi: Things are already starting to look weird. D.O I'm sorry for whatever happens as we get further in the rounds.
D.O: It's ok I apologize, too!
Lisa flicks the spinner furiously as well.
Lisa: Right foot green!
D.O: That's so far!
Gi Gi: Can I just go into a split?
Park Mi Na: You may.
Gi Gi: Okay, D.O bring you foot onto green I'll hold it for you while my right hand is free.
Vernon flicks again.
Vernon: Left hand blue!
Since the nearest blue is right behind Gi Gi for D.O their faces become really close.
Gi Gi: How you holdin' up?
D.O: Pretty well. You?
Gi Gi: I could take a nap in this position.
Kim Jong Le laughs.
Kim Jong Le: She said she could sleep in that position!
Lisa flicks.
Lisa: Right hand red!
Gi Gi: D.O will you be able to keep standing when I let go?
D.O: Yeah. I should be fine.
They both moved their right hands to a red dot.
Vernon flicks.
Vernon: Left foot blue!
Gi Gi changes her position so her foot is under D.O.
Gi Gi: 5 more rounds.
Lisa flicks.
Lisa: Right foot red!
They move their foot over to red.
They're now facing each other face to face.
They can feel each other's breaths hit one another's.
D.O: You look even prettier when your upside down.
After that, Gi Gi, couldn't hold it anymore.
She fell to the ground.
Park Mi Na: 6 rounds!
D.O: Gi Gi, are you ok?
She nods.
After that show, D.O and I left together.
I got Lisa and Vernon's numbers.
We got something to eat.
Jimin had called me several times, but right now I was on what I like to call a date.
"So, Gi Gi, What was living in Canada like?" D.O asked.
"Well, it was very cold at times. Busy. But I lived in the suburbs so it was a little quieter," I answered.
"Are you comfortable living with 7 boys?" D.O asked concerned.
"Sometimes it's hard. Honestly, I look out for them more than they look out for each other. But I guess that just comes with being the youngest," I said sipping my smoothie.
"But I should go home. I doubt anyone has been home all day and Nector needs to be fed," I said finishing the last of my smoothie.
"Ok, let's go then," D.O said getting up.
We had made it to the apartment.
I was flattered to be able to spend time with my bias.
It was too bad we didn't win that trip though.
We made it to my floor and got off.
" Well, this is it. Thanks for hanging with me, today. It was fun," I said.
"Of course. I hope we get to hang again sometime soon," D.O said.
"Yeah, well I'll see you another time. Bye," I said kissing him on the cheek, then leaving inside the apartment.
"Bye," He said faintly.
I'm amazing.
Nector meowed and met with my face.
"Ok, I'll fix your food. Where are the boys?" I said.
Nector jumped down and walked over to the counter.
On the counter sat a note from Tae.
'Dear Gi Gi, we'll be out late. We're doing late night photo shoots.'-Tae
I fixed Nectors food and fed him.
After that exhausted, but I went to bed with my cat tonight.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I'm sorry it's really sloppy!
Thanks for reading!

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