😒In the Past Now😒

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I never thought about it recently.
But I realized that I had never really apologized to Vernon, after what I did.
I was the one who cheated on him.
Not vise-versa.
It really kicked in when I would browse through Instagram and see the constant seventeen fan pages.
Most of them were videos of the group.
But I specifically payed attention to Vernon.
He never talked as much as he used to.
He looked sad.
He was more quiet.
Like he had a lot on my mind.
I had also received a DM from someone of seventeen:
August 5th, 2018
saythename_17: Sorry to hear about poor Nector. He will be missed :( - seventeen
I had never answered.
Mostly because I get too many DMs.
I was curious by who exactly sent the message.
Was it one of the organizers?
One of the boys?
Who knows?
I wanted to know.
I needed to know.
As much as everyone thinks he's better off without me it looks like he's not.
He looks depressed.
It took matters into my own hands.
Today, I was hanging with Seungkwan.
We are very close.
We always hung together when Vernon was busy or just when I was with Vernon.
Even when we broke up, Seungkwan stayed one of my friends.
He was going to do a V Live.
I hadn't been on one in awhile since The Teen Choice Awards.
So, it was good for me to be back and be with my friends.
We were walking to the park because it was a nice day.
Since, it was quiet we decided it would be a good place to Live.
"Did it connect? Can people see us?" I questioned trying to see if the Live was working.
Seungkwan was turning the phone in different directions to get a good angle for us.
"Yah! Give me the phone!" I said taking the phone.
Seungkwan laughed.
"I did that only to annoy you," He said continuing to laugh.
We knew it connected once we saw the first comment:
감 민쇼(Kim Min Soo): 안녕 Gi Gi! 안녕 Seungkwan! (Hi, Gi Gi! Hi, Seungkwan!
"Oh, hi!" I said waving.
Potato: Ooh! The cuties have arrived!
내가 좋아하는 두 사람이 돌아왔다! (My two favorite people are back!)
MAMA: When is the collab coming out!?
Oof17: Stay where you are. I'm coming.

"So, Gi Gi. I actually have a surprise for you. Everyone is going to witness it. It shall be beautiful," Seungkwan said.
"What's the surprise?" I asked.
Seungkwan shook his head.
"Just keep looking in that direction.
Seungkwan got up and walked behind a tree.
I turned my head in the direction he told me to and waited.
Seungkwan's POV;
"Okay, everyone. So, some of you may know that Gi Gi and Vernon broke up awhile ago. He has been really down lately. Staying in, quiet, eating a bit more than usual. I wanted him to come and apologize and talk to Gi Gi on Live. My intention is not to get them back together but for them to become friends," I explained to everyone watching.
I looked behind the tree to see if she was looking.
She was.
"He's here!" I whispered quietly.
I showed the camera Vernon and he waved.
"Hi, everyone. I'm really nervous about this. On my end, I was a little harsh. And I wanted to apologize to Gi Gi because I hate sitting next to her and not talking to her (during shows). It's awkward and uncomfortable. And I've been really down about it. I brought flowers and a page with everything I wanted to say," Vernon explained.
We walked back over to Gi Gi.
Gi Gi's POV;
I heard walking.
But this time there was another set of footsteps.
I looked behind me and saw Seungkwan walking with Vernon.
My jaw dropped slightly.
I started to cover my face only because my expression was turning into really sad and I didn't want them to see.
They sat down across from me.
"Hello, Gi Gi," Vernon said.
"Hi," I said.
"How are you?" He asked me.
I nodded.
"First, I want to apologize for the way I went off on you. It was harsh and I didn't give you anytime to explain. I'm sorry," Vernon said.
I felt tears bottle up inside.
I had so many lost emotions that I never had.
And they were all coming up now.
"I'm sorry, too. I was wrong for kissing BM! I didn't want to kiss him it was just a moment. The dance was just so....sexual. It got out of hand! I wish I hadn't done it at all. I knew I should've never went to that studio in the first place! I didn't want to hurt you. I never knew what it felt like until Nector left me. When he left me I started to regret my past mistakes. I never planned any of this. That kiss meant nothing. Did you send it?" I said.
"Send what?" Vernon questioned.
"Send the message about Nector," I said.
"I wanted to write it but I was too scared. I chickened out. Pledis knew we couldn't go without saying anything. I wanted to do it but I took too long so Mingyu did it. He volunteered," Vernon explained.
"Mingyu has a little crush on you. So, he was honored to send an apology," Seungkwan added.
Vernon nodded.
Mingyu likes....me?
"Why didn't you call me or text me?" I asked.
"Well, I was so upset that I deleted you number and I didn't remember it. I didn't want to delete your number. It just felt right," Vernon said.
"I'm sorry. It was wrong. I tried to act like everything was ok when it wasn't. I just need to tell someone how I feel," I said.
Seungkwan hugged me and so did Vernon.
The tears stopped coming and I wiped my face with my hoodie sleeve.
"I forgive you. I know it meant nothing. I was just angry. So many emotions flooded in when you called and it all got released in anger. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I wanted to forgive you," Vernon explained.
"I'm glad you forgive me. I forgive you also. Can we put this in the past?" I said.
He nodded then hugged me.
"Yay! My two favorite people made up!" Seungkwan shouted.

Sorry this was a little late!
I just want to say we hit 5k reads on this book!
And I want to thank everyone that is reading the book and thanks for your support!
I also want to say that I do have a end point for this book, but that won't be for a couple of months into next year because I have another booked planned!
It's the same type of book but this time it features
So, 2019 has something exciting for those of you reading!
Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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