🧐Namjoon's Girlfriend🧐

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We were at our local park.
Namjoon had set up a picnic for all of us.
He said he had invited someone special.
I was the most excited.
Mainly, because Namjoon never introduced us to anyone he knew besides one of his best friends who is also my best friend.
We were all sitting down on our very large, navy blue and pink/orange vibrant blanket. (Tear Album Blanket)
I sat between Jimin and J-Hope.
We were speaking of how none of us had expected to come this far when we heard a voice call Namjoon's name.
"Namjoon!" A woman like voice yelled.
We all snapped our heads in the direction of the voice.
Jimin, J-Hope, and I's back.
Jimin almost broke his freakin neck. (Like in Blood Sweat and Tears😂)
"Ow!" Jimin yelled.
"Next time don't swing so hard," I said.
Namjoon got up to go greet the girl.
She had long, brown hair.
Her eyes were large and dark brown.
She was very pretty.
I had assumed she was Namjoon's girlfriend.
The two walked back over to the blanket and sat down.
"Everyone, this is Chin-sun," Namjoon said.
"Hello," Chin-sun waved.
"Hi," We all said.
"Chin-sun is important to me because she's my girlfriend," Namjoon said.
I knew it.
"We have many things in common," Namjoon said looking into her eyes.
"Like?" I asked annoyed.
"High IQ, smart, we both love music. I could go on forever," Namjoon said.
"How did you two meet?" Yoongi asked.
"We met here at the park. Yoongi, you remember the day I got frustrated and left for a walk," Namjoon said.
Yoongi nodded.
"Well, I was sitting down when her dog ran up to me and started pawing my leg," Namjoon explained.
"She had escaped from the dog park nearby and ran into the actual park. I chased after her and she led me to Namjoon. So, we started talking and eventually went on our first date. Which eventually became the second, third, and fourth," Chin-sun explained.
"So, Chin-sun, what do you do for work?" I asked.
"Oh, well, I work as a part time model for VOGUE. Other than that, I'm helping produce songs at Pledis Ent.," Chin-sun explained happily.
This girl seemed too good to be true.
"Chin-sun, did you know that Namjoon was famous?" Jimin asked.
"Of course! Actually, VOGUE, had me transfer from LA. I was born and raised there. I had always known about BTS since they debuted. As a matter a fact, Namjoon was my bias the whole way," She explained.
"When I met, Chin-sun, she was so nervous. Mainly, because she had never expected to meet someone like me and as she says to even be talking to me," Namjoon added.
"I acted like a total fan girl! I stuttered a lot. Every girl does when she meets her bias for the second time," She said.
"Second time?" I asked.
"A few years back, we met in LA for their Wings tour. I was the girl that had the whole stadium sing him happy birthday. I was surprised he even remembered me!" Chin-sun said.
Since, I was a trainee back then I had no idea that even happened.
"Oh, now I remember you! You were so sweet! You made Namjoon go back to the hotel only to talk about you half of the night," Jin said.
Namjoon elbowed Jin.
Her name sounded so familiar.
Like I've heard it before.
"Have you had any past famous boyfriends? Did you used to be a trainee?" I asked.
"No. And no. I would not like to talk about my ex-boyfriend," Chin-sun said.
She used to be a trainee.
Jisoo was always telling me to stay away from her.
"My past boyfriend was very abusive. He drank a lot and went out but only to flirt with other girls," She explained.
She began to cry.
"Oh, look Gi Gi! You made her cry!" Jungkook said.
Baffled by how sensitive she was.
"No, I didn't! She explained it herself! I didn't ask her to!" I yelled in anger.
Everyone looked at me as if I had killed someone.
"Do you want to go home, Gi Gi?" Tae asked.
Without an answer I got up and left.
Tae and Jimin followed behind me.
I could hear Namjoon comforting Chin-sun from behind me.
I was sitting on my phone.
I had been crying and I was angry.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Gi Gi?" A voice questioned from behind the door.
It was Yoongi.
"What?" I said annoyed.
"Can I come in?" Yoongi asked.
"I guess so," I answered.
He opened the door and closed it behind him.
I turned to the other side of the bed so he couldn't see my face.
"Please, talk to me, Gi Gi," Yoongi pleaded.
I stayed silent.
"Are you jealous of her?" Yoongi asked.
I sat up and turned to him quickly.
"Hell no! Why would I be jealous of her?" I said in anger.
Yoongi shrugged.
"You just seemed like you were jealous of her," Yoongi said.
I came to a conclusion that maybe I was jealous of her.
Or I just didn't trust her.
"No... Maybe... Yes," I said.
"Why would you be jealous of her? You're way more prettier than her. You can sing, almost dance good enough, and you have all of us. You have a boyfriend and we don't protest. Why should you protest against Namjoon's girlfriend?" Yoongi said.
"I don't trust her. She had been a fan of Namjoon since he debuted. I'm gonna tell you now, she used to be a trainee. She was one of the girls you needed to stay away from to succeed. Did you see her phone screen? It had Vernon on it!" I said.
"Gi Gi. You sound crazy right now. She was never a trainee. Remember she had just transferred from LA," Yoongi said.
I shook my head.
I took out a box of photos.
Old trainee photos.
I pulled out the most recent one that had all of us in it.
"Look. This is her. From last year. I heard she had dropped from being a trainee after 4 years. She used to live in the apartment with Jisoo and I," I said.
Yoongi's mouth split open slightly.
He took the photo out of my hand for a closer look.
"One night, I had heard her plan to go to a BTS concert. During your Wings Tour. She said it would be her only shot to get to Namjoon and get him to remember her. She then said she would stalk him secretly and get him at a right time to build his trust. The next day she left for LA," I explained.
Yoongi handed me the photo back.
"So, she wants Namjoon for his fame. Or in this case to leak information to Pledis Ent.?" Yoongi said.
I nodded.
Yoongi's mouth formed into an O.
"What are we going to do?" Yoongi asked.
"We catch her and get evidence to show to Namjoon. Also, do not let Namjoon, under any circumstances show any music to her. Got it?" I said.
Yoongi nodded then left.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I know the whole thing sounds like a bunch of hoopla!
But it will make sense later, I promise.
Thanks for reading!
Later I will be publishing the first chapter of my new fan fiction book!
So, please check it out when I do!

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